Knights Templar

From TSL Encyclopedia

The Knights Templar were a military-religious order, founded in 1118, who served valiantly during the Crusades. When they were not on the battlefield, this “militia of Christ,” as they were called, lived a disciplined monastic life and took the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience—the same vows that beloved Saint Francis took.

Chapter of the Order of the Temple held in Paris (April 27, 1147), François Marius Granet (1844)

On Friday, October 13, 1307, without warning, all the Knights Templar in France were arrested and their goods confiscated at the order of King Philip IV of France, who was jealous of their influence, independence, and wealth (which they held in common). He charged them with heresy, blasphemy, and homosexuality. When the knights would not confess to the trumped-up charges against them, they were imprisoned and subjected to such brutal tortures as having sharp splinters driven under their fingernails and flames held under their bare feet. Their grand master and the preceptor of Normandy were slowly roasted to death over a charcoal fire.

Some writers believe the Templars were initiates of a secret, mystery teaching. Helena Blavatsky calls them “the last European secret organization which, as a body, had in its possession some of the mysteries of the East.”[1]

In 1312, the Pope, at the insistence of King Philip, officially dissolved the Knights Templars by papal order.

Saint Germain has said:

I AM your Knight Commander. I come even as I sponsored the fraternity of the Masons, the Knights Templar and those who were of old knights of the cross. Yes, beloved, I have sponsored holy orders to keep alive the flame of initiation.[2]


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 12, 1987.

  1. Helena P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (1877), p. 380.
  2. Saint Germain, The Outline of a Maltese Cross, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 26, June 24, 1991.