Peace and Aloha

From TSL Encyclopedia

Peace and Aloha are the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood, the true ministration of the Christ and the desire to be in the service of God and man through the mastery of the Christ consciousness. From their Temple of Peace, located in the etheric realms over the Hawaiian Islands, they radiate ribbons of Cosmic Christ peace over the entire planet as a network of Cosmic Christ consciousness. Peace and Aloha focus both the gold and the purple flames as the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of peace. Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays are focused in their retreat.

Souls who are to embody the sixth-ray virtues of peace, ministration and service on behalf of all life study for a time at the Temple of Peace in preparation for their mission. Jesus studied at this retreat, and the Elohim Peace has revealed that many of the sayings of Christ Jesus came from him. He said that Jesus learned these sayings “as a disciple of the Elohim Peace long before he took incarnation to be the Prince of Peace.”[1]

The flame of Peace

In 1965 Peace told us that Jesus used mantras to “hold the balance for the evolutions of earth.” Peace said that Jesus often used these salutations in honor of the name of Peace: “Peace be unto you.” “Fear not, little flock; for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”[2]

The Elohim Peace has explained that “when the Master Jesus said ‘Peace be still!’ it was an invocation calculated to draw forth from the Godhead and from the power of the Elohim the fullness of cosmic peace. Upon him was bestowed the title Prince of Peace, for he consorted to express as ambassadorial the aspects of our office.”[3]

Peace instructs us to also learn to release the fire of our hearts by giving the mantra “Peace, be still and know that I AM God!” He said, “Learn to release the fire of the heart, the sacred fire, and to be infilled again ... with this mantra.”[4]

In 1959, Peace said, “Seal your world daily ... within a capsule of the golden oil of peace from my very heart, which as a mantle of infinite protection will guard your world.”[5] He then asked us to daily bring a portion of this peace into the world of others.

The solar plexus is the chakra of the sixth ray of peace and the chakra that governs the emotions. It is the “place of the sun,” the place where Cosmic Christ peace must be established in you. The Elohim Peace teaches the use of the Great Sun Disc, a shield of dazzling white fire that may be placed over the solar plexus to deflect the discord of others and thus protect the peace of the feeling world. He said:

I would like you to learn how to magnify the power of that disc of light so that you are not so vulnerable to the onslaughts of others.... When peace has gone, everything has gone, and there is nothing left.

And only when you come to a point where once again, through the power of interior equilibrium, you have found your balance does the power of peace then begin to flow and do you start again to build those wondrous castles in the air—castles of hope—that may well materialize into the blessings you seek because you have kept the peace.[6]

The Elohim said to visualize the Great Sun Disc as a large round shield of heavy armour reflecting in all directions the dazzling light of the Great Central Sun.

He explained:

When you master yourself, as the Master Jesus did, you can go to sleep and let others rock the boat for all they are worth, all the while knowing that the sea is God’s sea, that the boat is God’s boat, that your body is God’s temple, that your mind is the dwelling place of God, that your soul is the soul of God, that the wind is his to command, that the wave obeys his voice....

Rest in that great cosmic tranquility that refuses to be affrighted, that refuses to be disturbed, regardless of outer conditions. And then you will sleep through the storms of the world or you may remain awake through them; but you will be unaffected by any of them, for you will be the master of your world.[7]

The problem of war

In 1993 Peace and Aloha told us why war remains on our planet. They said:

The momentums and records of war on planet Earth remain untransmuted because many of the very ones who have the gift of the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word do not use it to transmute, first and foremost, the warring in their own members....

In order to make peace with your inner being, you must declare war against the not-self [the carnal mind, or the dweller-on-the-threshold].... The defeat of war by all seven Elohim and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is top on our agenda. But as we have said, if the chelas of the light do not take up the dismantling of the components of war in their own psyches and allow them to be consumed,... where shall we go?[8]

In 1978 Peace and Aloha said, “Every one of you who has lost that peace for a moment, an hour, or a day has contributed in ways small and great to war, to crime, to murder, to mayhem, to cataclysm.”[9] The Elohim teach that the “acceleration of the Christ consciousness” in all people “is the only solution to war and the only option for peace.”[10]

In 1992 Peace asked us to become warriors of peace. He said:

War is the agenda of the fallen ones ... on planet Earth. Disarmament and the seeming disappearance of World Communism does not change that fact in any way. The Buddhas and the Cosmic Christs are the warriors of peace.... Be warriors of peace and understand that pacifism is a perversion of peace! Peace is the guardian action of the sixth ray.[11]

In 1984 Peace and Aloha explained that they can radiate rings of peace to push back the darkness and the threat of war. They said, “I must warn you of the forces of anti-peace abroad in the world who will come to challenge my flame in your heart by all manner of subterfuge, serpentine logic and subtlety.” Peace and Aloha instructed us, “Remember the sign of peace of the Prince of Peace. Raise the right hand and turn them back! Remember the tube of light and the solar ring and the ring of peace.”[12]

Elohim Peace has warned that our peace is only skin deep when we become offended at little things and become angry when someone steps on our toes. Although we may think that we have attained to peace, Peace and Aloha have said that “99 percent of your consciousness, your energy, is outside of the flame of peace....

“You have created your own zoo and you have made yourself the zookeeper instead of the keeper of the flame of peace. And so you guard the animals ... of your human creation [in the subconscious, in the unconscious] that you have fashioned out of your greed and your darkness, your self-concern and your revenge.”[13]

Tips for keeping peace

Over the years the Elohim Peace and Aloha have given many tips to help us keep peace. They ask us to make the best of things, forgive and ask to be forgiven, seek daily resolution by the violet flame, be humble, forsake harshness, do not chatter or criticize and keep the peace with one another.

In 1993 Peace and Aloha promised us that heaven would reward our efforts to sustain peace and pass our tests. They said:

Make your peace with all people. For you cannot make lasting progress on the Path until you do.... Know that God does test every living soul. Be willing, then, to pass those tests and to exercise ingenuity of heart in so doing.

At that time, they announced a dispensation that

... for every individual upon earth who is right with God,... there shall be added ten thousand angels unto the bands of the legions of the sixth ray of the Lord Jesus Christ ministering to the peoples of planet Earth. Think of this and rejoice! Realize ... just how great a multiplication factor ten thousand angels can be in advancing the cause of peace on earth![14]

These angels have but one goal: that the power of peace that God has endowed them with be applied to the transmutation and “utter dissolution of war at every level.” With the dispensation of the ten thousand angels “you, then, in a sense of the word are the leader of that company of angels, and you have a responsibility to command them—to give decrees in their behalf, even for their protection.... You, then, must be a very active participant in that which is taking place in your community and on your planet.”[15]

On January 2, 1972, Elohim Peace gave a dispensation and a mantra. He placed a miniature replica of the Pavilion of Peace in the hearts of those present. He said:

All you have to do when all around you is turbulent and you are in distress and in confusion is to visualize in miniature the Pavilion of Peace. Call unto me and unto your individualized God Presence and say, “I need thee every hour, O Elohim of Peace and beloved I AM Presence! Show forth thy light!” And with the words “Show forth thy light,” I will come again and create the vibratory action of my peace within you.

Peace and Aloha want us to focus on turning back war and the forces of anti-peace both within and without. They often use our calls to render a great and untold assistance to the planet to prevent many small wars from starting and to help put out the fires of larger conflagrations. You can visualize a place on the planet where there is war, invite the angels of Peace to go there, give the mantras of peace and see in your mind’s eye ten thousand angels of peace descending to stop that war.


Main article: Temple of Peace

Their retreat is the Temple of Peace, located in the etheric realms over the Hawaiian Islands. From here they radiate ribbons of Cosmic Christ peace over the entire planet as a network of Cosmic Christ consciousness.

See also



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Peace and Aloha.”

  1. Peace and Aloha, “I Came Not to Send Peace, but a Sword,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, no. 16, April 16, 1978.
  2. Elohim Peace, January 3, 1965.
  3. Elohim Peace, “Peace Be Still!” April 17, 1966.
  4. Elohim Peace, “I Inaugurate a Thirty-Three-Tiered Spiral of Peace in The Summit Lighthouse,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 48, October 13, 1991.
  5. Elohim Peace, February 15, 1959, quoted in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Teachings of the Elohim Peace and Aloha,” Part 1, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 48, December 2, 2001.
  6. Elohim Peace, January 3, 1965, quoted in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Teachings of the Elohim Peace and Aloha,” Part 1, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 48, December 2, 2001.
  7. Elohim Peace, January 3, 1965, quoted in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Teachings of the Elohim Peace and Aloha,” Part 2, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 49, December 9, 2001.
  8. Elohim Peace and Aloha, “The Path of True Love,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 21, May 23, 1993.
  9. Peace and Aloha, “I Came Not to Send Peace, but a Sword,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, no. 16, April 16, 1978.
  10. Elohim Peace, March 26, 1978.
  11. Elohim Peace, “The Crown Jewel of Peace,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 43, October 14, 1992.
  12. Peace and Aloha, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 14, April 2, 1989.
  13. Peace and Aloha, “I Came Not to Send Peace, but a Sword,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, no. 16, April 16, 1978.
  14. Elohim Peace and Aloha, “The Path of True Love,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 21, May 23, 1993.
  15. Ibid.