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Sarah, the wife of Abraham, who gave birth to Isaac, who became the head of the Jews, turned away Hagar, the bondswoman of Abraham and the mother of Ishmael, her child conceived by Abraham.<ref>For the Biblical account of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, and Ishmael, see Genesis chapters 16, 17 and 21.</ref> The generations of Ishmael are the entire Arab peoples. And, therefore, when [Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres] spoke today, there was mention of our father Abraham. Arabs and Jews recognize their common father Abraham, and yet there has been this division among them because of the division and enmity between their mothers. Hagar and Ishmael out in the desert became the Arab people, and the Arab people inherited the desert. They also inherited Israel when the Jews were dispersed because of disobedience to the Laws of God.  
Sarah, the wife of Abraham, who gave birth to Isaac, who became the head of the Jews, turned away Hagar, the bondswoman of Abraham and the mother of Ishmael, her child conceived by Abraham.<ref>For the Biblical account of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, and Ishmael, see Genesis chapters 16, 17 and 21.</ref> The generations of Ishmael are the entire Arab peoples. And, therefore, when [Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres] spoke today, there was mention of our father Abraham. Arabs and Jews recognize their common father Abraham, and yet there has been this division among them because of the division and enmity between their mothers. Hagar and Ishmael out in the desert became the Arab people, and the Arab people inherited the desert. They also inherited Israel when the Jews were dispersed because of disobedience to the Laws of God.  

Now the Jews have returned, as they say, according to the fulfillment of prophecy.<ref>There are many passages in the Old Testament prophets that speak of the tribes of Israel being gathered together again (e.g. Deut. 30:1–5; Isa. 11:11–12; Jer. 29:14; Ezek. 20:41–42), and many Jews and evangelical Christians see modern Israel as the fulfillment of these prophecies. However, it is no longer possible for the twelve tribes to be traced by physical descent: one reason is that the ten northern tribes lost their identity after they were deported to Syria in 721 B.C., and only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and some Levites retained their identity as Jews. Therefore the twelve tribes are traced today by reincarnation rather than by bloodlines. The messenger has explained that these prophecies refer to the gathering of the reincarnated twelve tribes in America, the New Jerusalem. See [[Twelve tribes of Israel]]</ref> And it is time for the resolution of the conflict between the mother energies. There is no conflict with Abraham. The conflict comes with Sarah and Hagar. So it is by the initiation of the Mother flame, her [[crucifixion]] in this hour, that all peoples come to a resolution. And so let us invoke the Mother flame, which is the white-fire core of purity that is focused in the Middle East, in Serapis Bey’s ascension temple. And out of the white light of the Mother, let us visualize all races and peoples coming into love because their mothers have both been the object of the love of Abraham, the great patriarch. And their mother truly is the Cosmic Mother, for the Cosmic Mother is in all mothers.
Now the Jews have returned, as they say, according to the fulfillment of prophecy.<ref>There are many passages in the Old Testament prophets that speak of the tribes of Israel being gathered together again (e.g. Deut. 30:1–5; Isa. 11:11–12; Jer. 29:14; Ezek. 20:41–42), and many Jews and evangelical Christians see modern Israel as the fulfillment of these prophecies. However, it is no longer possible for the twelve tribes to be traced by physical descent: one reason is that the ten northern tribes lost their identity after they were deported to Syria in 721 B.C., and only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and some Levites retained their identity as Jews. Therefore the twelve tribes are traced today by reincarnation rather than by bloodlines. The messenger has explained that these prophecies refer to the gathering of the reincarnated twelve tribes in America, the [[New Jerusalem]]. See [[Twelve tribes of Israel]].</ref> And it is time for the resolution of the conflict between the mother energies. There is no conflict with Abraham. The conflict comes with Sarah and Hagar. So it is by the initiation of the Mother flame, her [[crucifixion]] in this hour, that all peoples come to a resolution. And so let us invoke the Mother flame, which is the white-fire core of purity that is focused in the Middle East, in Serapis Bey’s ascension temple. And out of the white light of the Mother, let us visualize all races and peoples coming into love because their mothers have both been the object of the love of Abraham, the great patriarch. And their mother truly is the Cosmic Mother, for the Cosmic Mother is in all mothers.

And so if we can tackle in our decrees this misqualification of energy in the Matter body—fire, air, water and earth—the misqualification through the four types of animal magnetism, we will be getting at the very core of the conflict. The core of the conflict, then, must be decreed on from that starting point, from that hatred that was first in Sarah and Hagar, and as it has been translated through these generations....
And so if we can tackle in our decrees this misqualification of energy in the Matter body—fire, air, water and earth—the misqualification through the four types of animal magnetism, we will be getting at the very core of the conflict. The core of the conflict, then, must be decreed on from that starting point, from that hatred that was first in Sarah and Hagar, and as it has been translated through these generations....
