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Translations:El Morya/24/is: Difference between revisions

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On December 29, 1170, he was brutally murdered in Canterbury Cathedral when four knights of the court took literally the king’s remark that he wished to be rid of “this turbulent priest.” Uncompromising to the end, Becket told the knights: “If all the swords in England were pointing at my head, you would never make me betray either God or the Pope.” More than five hundred healing [[miracles]] were attributed to him only a few years after his death, and he was canonized three years later.
Lík Tómasar Beckets var jarðsett í grafhvelfingu í dómkirkjunni
sem varð vettvangur hundruð þúsunda pílagríma sem komu í
helgidóminn og sögðu margir frá kraftaverkum sem þeir urðu
aðnjótandi vegna fyrirbæna til Beckets. Þennan viðburð gerði rithöfundurinn
Chaucer síðan ódauðlegan í Kantaraborgarsögum
sínum. Innan þriggja ára var Tómas Becket tekinn í píslavottar og
dýrlingatölu. Kvikmyndin Becket sem byggir á leikritinu Becket
eftir Jean Anouilh er dramatísk lýsing á lífi Tómasar Beckets.
