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Created page with "<blockquote>Os anjos que me acompanhavam captaram o meu pensamento instantaneamente, como é nosso costume – pois não somos como vós, amados, que precisais uns dos outros..."
(Created page with "<blockquote>Não foi difícil; para um ser angélico, não é difícil colocar a matéria em movimento, se o poder for dado pela Divindade. E a pedra não ofereceu resistênci...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Os anjos que me acompanhavam captaram o meu pensamento instantaneamente, como é nosso costume – pois não somos como vós, amados, que precisais uns dos outros...")
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homem e mulher deste planeta precioso, até que todos ficassem livres do medo e da opressão.</blockquote>
homem e mulher deste planeta precioso, até que todos ficassem livres do medo e da opressão.</blockquote>

<blockquote>The angels who accompanied me, catching my thought instantaneously as is our custom—for we are not like you, blessed ones, that we require one another to utter a thought—quickly began a chant of hope. And led in melodic expression by my beloved Hope, the angels began this wondrous song, which seemed to radiate a pathway of golden light of hope across the very face of the earth with the incoming dawn. Early in the morning, when the holy women came searching for the Christ, they found the stone rolled away.<ref>Archangel Gabriel, September 10, 1963.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Os anjos que me acompanhavam captaram o meu pensamento instantaneamente, como é nosso costume – pois não somos como vós, amados, que precisais uns dos outros para expressar um pensamento – e rapidamente iniciaram um cântico de esperança. E, conduzidos pela amada Esperança, entoaram uma canção maravilhosa, que com o alvorecer que se aproximava, parecia irradiar um caminho dourado de esperança por toda a face da Terra. Logo cedo, quando as santas mulheres
procuraram o Cristo, viram que a pedra fora removida”.<ref>Arcanjo Gabriel, 10 de setembro de 1963.</ref></blockquote>

This same blessing and service of an archangel is also offered to each one of us who can accept it. Just as the stone was pushed away by Gabriel’s hand from before the door of the tomb in which Christ lay, so also can the problems and density of our own lives yield to the light if we will allow him to enter our world. As the tomb of materiality that stands before each one of us as our own human creation and density is rolled away, we can see within that tomb the resurrected Christ of our own Holy Christ Self standing above us in the ethers, radiant in all the splendor of his glory and perfection.
This same blessing and service of an archangel is also offered to each one of us who can accept it. Just as the stone was pushed away by Gabriel’s hand from before the door of the tomb in which Christ lay, so also can the problems and density of our own lives yield to the light if we will allow him to enter our world. As the tomb of materiality that stands before each one of us as our own human creation and density is rolled away, we can see within that tomb the resurrected Christ of our own Holy Christ Self standing above us in the ethers, radiant in all the splendor of his glory and perfection.
