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51 bytes removed ,  4 years ago
Created page with "Diante da situação do povo, Afra encarnou entre eles para salvá-los. Inicialmente, ele identificou um traço que considerou ser o calcanhar de Aquiles do seu povo. O ponto..."
(Created page with "Ao desviar a atenção da Presença Divina, os homens tornaram-se mais e mais vulneráveis à tática de “dividir para reinar” dos caí...")
(Created page with "Diante da situação do povo, Afra encarnou entre eles para salvá-los. Inicialmente, ele identificou um traço que considerou ser o calcanhar de Aquiles do seu povo. O ponto...")
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escravizados pelos poderes das trevas.
escravizados pelos poderes das trevas.

Seeing the plight of his people, Afra took embodiment among them in order to rescue them. First, he pinpointed the one missing trait that he perceived to be the Achilles’ heel of his people. He identified the point of vulnerability as their lack of brotherhood. Allegorically speaking, they followed the example of [[Cain]] rather than following the example of Abel. When the L<small>ORD</small> asked the people of Afra if they would be willing to lay down their lives for their kinsmen and friends, their answer was the same as Cain’s: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”<ref>Gen. 4:9.</ref> The one who answers no to that question is dedicated to his ego. He will never be his brother’s keeper, and eventually the divine spark within him, the threefold flame, will die.
Diante da situação do povo, Afra encarnou entre eles para salvá-los. Inicialmente, ele identificou um traço que considerou ser o calcanhar de Aquiles do seu povo. O ponto de vulnerabilidade era a falta de fraternidade. Falando metaforicamente, eles seguiam o exemplo de  [[Special:MyLanguage/Cain|Caim]],
em vez de seguir o de Abel. Quando o Senhor perguntou ao povo de Afra se estariam dispostos a dar a vida pelos compatriotas e amigos, a resposta foi a mesma dada por Caim: “Acaso sou o guardador do meu irmão?”7 Quem responde a essa pergunta com uma negativa prefere dedicar-se ao ego, jamais será o guardião do seu irmão e, consequentemente, a centelha divina no seu interior, a sua chama trina, morrerá.

Afra knew that many of his people had lost their [[threefold flame]], even as many blacks and whites, through anger, are losing it today. He also knew that in order to regain that flame, they would have to follow a path of brotherhood. They had to care for one another. The only way he could teach them to be a brother to all others was to be a brother to all himself. And for this, he was crucified by his own people. He was the Christ in their midst, but they knew him not. They were blinded by their greed for power.
Afra knew that many of his people had lost their [[threefold flame]], even as many blacks and whites, through anger, are losing it today. He also knew that in order to regain that flame, they would have to follow a path of brotherhood. They had to care for one another. The only way he could teach them to be a brother to all others was to be a brother to all himself. And for this, he was crucified by his own people. He was the Christ in their midst, but they knew him not. They were blinded by their greed for power.
