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Created page with "<blockquote>Ó América, terra da minha juventude e da minha vitória! Lembro-me de ti enquanto eu caminhava pelas tuas colinas, enquanto meditava em Deus nas tuas florestas e..."
(Created page with "O Mestre Ascenso Rex falou sobre a importância de apresentar os conceitos dos mestres ascensos para crianças e jovens:")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Ó América, terra da minha juventude e da minha vitória! Lembro-me de ti enquanto eu caminhava pelas tuas colinas, enquanto meditava em Deus nas tuas florestas e...")
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conceitos dos mestres ascensos para crianças e jovens:  
conceitos dos mestres ascensos para crianças e jovens:  

<blockquote>O America, land of my youth and land of my victory! How I remember thee as I walked through thy hills, as I meditated upon God in thy forests, in thy mountains, O America, in the mists of the morning as I dwelt neath the trees and ordered my thoughts and feelings within the heart flame of my own [[God Presence]].</blockquote>
<blockquote>Ó América, terra da minha juventude e da minha vitória! Lembro-me de ti enquanto eu caminhava pelas tuas colinas, enquanto meditava em Deus nas tuas florestas e nas tuas montanhas, ó América, por entre a névoa matinal, demorava-me sob as árvores, ordenando pensamentos e sentimentos na chama do coração da minha [[Special:MyLanguage/God Presence|Presença Divina]].</blockquote>

<blockquote>I remember well that day, the day when there appeared to me that holy presence of life in the ascended master Saint Germain with his great promise of victory of the ascension, not only for my lifestream but for all the youth of America—his great promise of freedom that would be won in this nation, this great nation under God. He spoke to me of the ascended master youth of America, and he spoke to me of youth as a concept within his heart for all men whatever the age of the forms they might be wearing.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I remember well that day, the day when there appeared to me that holy presence of life in the ascended master Saint Germain with his great promise of victory of the ascension, not only for my lifestream but for all the youth of America—his great promise of freedom that would be won in this nation, this great nation under God. He spoke to me of the ascended master youth of America, and he spoke to me of youth as a concept within his heart for all men whatever the age of the forms they might be wearing.</blockquote>
