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Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "<blockquote>И Совет Ста Сорока Четырех, образующий одно солнечное кольцо вокруг великого белого прес..."
(Created page with "<blockquote>И сказал Он мне: «Быть тебе для эволюций Земли Альфой и Омегой, началом и концом, говорит Я...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>И Совет Ста Сорока Четырех, образующий одно солнечное кольцо вокруг великого белого прес...")
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<blockquote>And the Council of the One Hundred and Forty and Four, forming a single solar ring around the great white throne, intoned the Word with the great beings of light, forming the inner circle round about the throne and saying, “Holy, holy, holy, L<small>ORD</small> God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” And I heard the echo of their chant of the “Holy, holy, holy” all the way home to the morning star, to my twin flame whom you know as Venus, and to the sons and daughters of the Love Star.</blockquote>
<blockquote>И Совет Ста Сорока Четырех, образующий одно солнечное кольцо вокруг великого белого престола, нараспев произнес Слово вместе с великими существами света, образующими внутренний круг вокруг престола и повторяющими: «Свят, свят, свят Г<small>ОСПОДЬ</small> Бог Вседержитель, Который был, есть и грядет». И я слышал эхо их пения «Свят, свят, свят...» на протяжении всего пути домой, к Утренней Звезде, к моему близнецовому пламени, которое вы знаете как Венеру, к сыновьям и дочерям Звезды Любви.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Winged messengers of light had announced my coming and the disposition of the Cosmic Council and the dispensation granted. The six—my brothers, the holy Kumaras, who sustain with me the seven flames of the seven rays—[[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Victory|Mighty Victory]] and his legions, our daughter [[Special:MyLanguage/Meta|Meta]], and many servant sons and daughters whom you know today as the ascended masters welcomed me in a grand reception. That evening, the joy of opportunity was mingled with the sorrow that the sense of separation brings. I had chosen a voluntary exile upon a dark star. And though it was destined to be Freedom’s Star, all knew it would be for me a long dark night of the soul.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Winged messengers of light had announced my coming and the disposition of the Cosmic Council and the dispensation granted. The six—my brothers, the holy Kumaras, who sustain with me the seven flames of the seven rays—[[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Victory|Mighty Victory]] and his legions, our daughter [[Special:MyLanguage/Meta|Meta]], and many servant sons and daughters whom you know today as the ascended masters welcomed me in a grand reception. That evening, the joy of opportunity was mingled with the sorrow that the sense of separation brings. I had chosen a voluntary exile upon a dark star. And though it was destined to be Freedom’s Star, all knew it would be for me a long dark night of the soul.</blockquote>
