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Created page with "Глубокая преданность Мора Богу побудила его одно время задуматься над религиозным призванием..."
(Created page with "Юный Томас был близким другом выдающегося голландского гуманиста Эразма Роттердамского и поль...")
(Created page with "Глубокая преданность Мора Богу побудила его одно время задуматься над религиозным призванием...")
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[[File:More famB 1280x-g0.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Thomas More, seated, surrounded by family members|Thomas More and his family, by Rowland Lockley (1592)]]
[[File:More famB 1280x-g0.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Thomas More, seated, surrounded by family members|Thomas More and his family, by Rowland Lockley (1592)]]

More’s deep devotion to God caused him at one time to consider a religious vocation and to practice extraordinary austerities for over four years to test his own self-discipline. He decided to marry, however, and his wife and four children proved to be his greatest joy and his sole comfort in days to come. Their famed estate at Chelsea housed Thomas’ entire family, including eleven grandchildren. Over the years, More’s “little Utopia,” as he often called it, became a center of learning and culture, likened by Erasmus to “Plato’s academie”—a home of good will to which came the most learned men of the day, even the king himself, for counsel and for comfort. At Chelsea, More wrote the famous work entitled ''Utopia'', a witty exposé of the superficiality of English life and the flagrant vices of English law.  
Глубокая преданность Мора Богу побудила его одно время задуматься над религиозным призванием и практиковать необычайно строгий аскетизм в течение более четырех лет, дабы испытать собственную самодисциплину. Однако он решил жениться, и его жена и четверо детей оказались самой большой его радостью и единственным утешением в днях грядущих. Их известное поместье в Челси давало приют всей семье Томаса, включая одиннадцать внуков. Спустя годы "маленькая Утопия" Мора, как он часто называл ее, стала центром образования и культуры - Эразм уподоблял ее "платоновской академии", - обиталищем благой воли, куда приходили самые образованные люди того времени, даже сам король, за советом и утешением. В Челси Мор написал знаменитое произведение, озаглавленное "Утопия", остроумное обличение бессодержательной английской жизни и грубых пороков английского закона.  

In 1529, Sir Thomas More was appointed by Henry VIII Lord Chancellor of England. Of him Erasmus wrote: “In serious matters no man's advice is more prized, while if the king wishes to recreate himself, no man’s conversation is gayer. Often there are deep and intricate matters that demand a grave and prudent judge. More unravels them in such a way that he satisfies both sides.”  
In 1529, Sir Thomas More was appointed by Henry VIII Lord Chancellor of England. Of him Erasmus wrote: “In serious matters no man's advice is more prized, while if the king wishes to recreate himself, no man’s conversation is gayer. Often there are deep and intricate matters that demand a grave and prudent judge. More unravels them in such a way that he satisfies both sides.”