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Created page with "Arkkienkeli Chamuel antoi käskyn sekoittaa niiden kielet, jotka yrittivät rakentaa Baabelin tornia. Nimrod oli rakentanut sitä Nimrodi..."
(Created page with "== Baabelin torni ==")
(Created page with "Arkkienkeli Chamuel antoi käskyn sekoittaa niiden kielet, jotka yrittivät rakentaa Baabelin tornia. Nimrod oli rakentanut sitä Nimrodi...")
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== Baabelin torni ==
== Baabelin torni ==

Chamuel is the archangel who released the edict that confounded the tongues of those who were attempting to build the [[Tower of Babel]], built by Nimrod to the glory of Nimrod. The [[ruby ray]] of the L<small>ORD</small>’s judgment came down through Chamuel, and in an instant, the people were speaking in different tongues.<ref>Gen. 11:1–9.</ref> All was chaos, and fright turned to anger—anger against the L<small>ORD</small> and his avenging angel. Because the people could no longer communicate with each other, they could no longer conspire to do evil, and the confounding of tongues prevented the rapid spread of the evils of society. Thus, God’s love keeps mankind separated until they are perfected in love.
Arkkienkeli Chamuel antoi käskyn sekoittaa niiden kielet, jotka yrittivät rakentaa [[Special:MyLanguage/Tower of Babel|Baabelin tornia]]. Nimrod oli rakentanut sitä Nimrodin kunniaksi. Herran tuomion [[Special:MyLanguage/ruby ray|rubiinisäde]] laskeutui alas Chamuelin kautta, ja hetkessä ihmiset puhuivat eri kielillä.<ref>1. Moos. 11:1–9.</ref> Kaikki oli kaaosta, ja pelko muuttui vihaksi – vihaksi Herraa ja hänen kostonenkeliään kohtaan. Koska ihmiset eivät enää voineet kommunikoida keskenään, he eivät voineet enää juonitella tehdäkseen pahaa, ja niin kielten sekoittuminen esti yhteiskunnan paheiden nopean leviämisen. Näin Jumalan rakkaus pitää ihmiskunnan erillään toisistaan, kunnes he täydellistyvät rakkaudessa.

Nimrod was a [[Fallen angel|rebel angel]] whose ambition was to control the world. Rebel angels in high places are a fact of life on planet Earth; they have been here ever since they lost the war in heaven and [[Archangel Michael]] and his legions cast them out into the earth. They move among us wearing physical bodies that are often larger than those of average humans. The archangels still wage war with fallen angels on behalf of the children of light. You can enlist their legions as you champion the cause of children, the poor, the homeless and all who suffer under the yoke of their karma as well as the tyranny of the fallen angels.
Nimrod was a [[Fallen angel|rebel angel]] whose ambition was to control the world. Rebel angels in high places are a fact of life on planet Earth; they have been here ever since they lost the war in heaven and [[Archangel Michael]] and his legions cast them out into the earth. They move among us wearing physical bodies that are often larger than those of average humans. The archangels still wage war with fallen angels on behalf of the children of light. You can enlist their legions as you champion the cause of children, the poor, the homeless and all who suffer under the yoke of their karma as well as the tyranny of the fallen angels.
