Tube de lumière

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This page is a translated version of the page Tube of light and the translation is 59% complete.
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Le tube de lumière, montré dans le Charte de votre Moi divin, est un bouclier de lumière blanche protectrice d'environ neuf pieds de diamètre qui descend de Dieu et s'étend jusque sous vos pieds.

La charte de votre Moi divin

The tube of light can guard against malicious energies that may be directed at you through someone’s anger, condemnation, hatred or jealousy. When you are unprotected, these negative energies can make you irritable or depressed and can even cause you to have accidents. The tube of light helps you stay centered and at peace.

God prophesied to Israel, “I will be unto her a wall round about and the fire in the midst.”[1] This is the Tube of Light—the wall around you that seals and protects you from the mass consciousness, from thoughts of jealousy or envy, from all kinds of conditions of disease in the planet. It is a spiritual protection which we all need.

It’s a good idea to give your “Tube of Light” decree each morning before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. If throughout the day you feel deenergized, depleted or vulnerable, you can repeat this decree as needed.

Visualization and meditation

As you recite the “Tube of Light” decree, see the dazzling white light from your I AM Presence, brighter than the sun shining on newfallen snow, coalescing to form an impenetrable wall of light around you. Inside this scintillating tube of light, see yourself enfolded with the violet flame, the spiritual fire of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your tube of light
From ascended master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I AM calling forth violet fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in freedom’s name
Till I AM one with the violet flame.

From time to time throughout the day, you can reinforce this spiritual protection by visualizing the tube of light around you and repeating this decree.

Voir aussi

Présence Je Suis

Charte du Moi divin

Flamme violette


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Immortality.

  1. Zech. 2:5.