Translations:Middle East/44/en

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I come from our etheric retreat over Arabia, that extensive place of light which does focus over the Middle East a guardian action of the Cosmic Christ consciousness that does hold in check, mind you, the untoward darkness of laggard evolutions abiding there. Beloved, were it not for this retreat of beloved Jesus, were it not for his descent into this area of the world (truly the darkest place of the planet), I tell you this day, the fallen ones and laggard evolutions who were encamped there two thousand years ago, even a half a million years ago, should have wreaked far greater havoc on this planet. Thus, but for the Son of God, you would see a history of a planet Earth equal even to that of Maldek or Hedron.[1]

  1. Nada, June 28, 1987, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 32.