'Waak Met Mij' Jezus' Wake van de Uren

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In 1964 wijdde de meester Jezus de "Waak met Mij" in, Jezus' Wake van de Uren – een wereldwijde dienst van een uur van gebed, affirmaties en zang voor de bescherming van het Christusbewustzijn in iedere zoon en dochter van God. Deze dienst herdenkt de wake die Jezus alleen hield in de Hof van Gethsemane toen hij zei: "Zou gij niet één uur met mij kunnen waken?"

Het programma bestaat uit drie delen die bedoeld zijn om hardop te worden gegeven, individueel of in groepsdiensten.

  • Part I The Three Potentials
    • The First Potential: You
    • The Second Potential: Expanded Awareness of Earth’s Evolutions
    • The Third Potential: The Call
  • Part II The Guardian Action
  • Part III Thy Kingdom Come

The entire Jesus Watch affirms the principle of the tie to Hierarchy.

The Lord Christ has requested that individual students of the ascended masters give this Watch once a week, at the same time each week, so that every hour of the day and night someone somewhere is keeping the vigil.

Originally, a chart was kept at The Summit Lighthouse headquarters showing who had volunteered and to see to it that at no time would there be a vacancy in this unceasing watch for world peace and freedom. The service has now become part of the traditional Wednesday night healing service wherever friends of Jesus gather to celebrate his healing mission.

Jesus’ presence during the “Watch With Me” service

On October 4, 1987, Jesus promised to be with us during the giving of the “Watch With Me” service:

I ask, then, that you renew your commitment to giving my Watch, my “Vigil of the Hours.” So it shall be to you that I shall be in your midst, beloved, as you give this prayer service in my name weekly. You may give it alone, all-one with me, with the recording provided.

And, therefore, know that there is no limit to the expansion of the five spheres of the five secret rays around your heart. And when I AM near and nearest to you in vibration—for you have called me by the magnet of your love and prayerful devotions—I promise you that all who commit to be my disciple as a Keeper of the Flame shall have my spheres of light and my Sacred Heart superimposed upon him or her throughout this Watch each week.

It is my desire, then, that in fifty-two sessions with you, which I would like to be of ninety-minute duration (or more), you might experience such renewal and such self-transcendence at the conclusion of a single year’s Watch with me that you shall indeed know that I AM come into the earth to take my own in the grand ritual of the Resurrection and the Ascension.

Blessed hearts, I come with a simple call and a plan. And yet I remain mindful of the accelerated and complex requirements that the Law does place upon you as you invoke the Archangels to engage in Armageddon to defeat those who would devour souls in the earth.

Therefore, the Watch itself is for the opening of the heart that a door might exist where I might enter and thence release to the earth renewed Light and Presence, beloved, that you might understand that through you I desire—I, Jesus, your brother desire—to increase the Christ consciousness in the earth, that upon this foundation all other Servant-Sons of heaven and heavenly hosts might indeed build the new age, magnetize the little children and devour the Darkness abroad.[1]

For more information

A booklet of the service and an audio recording are available from The Summit Lighthouse Bookstore


Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 36, September 5, 1982.

  1. Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 56, November 25, 1987.