Hijos e hijas de Dios

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(1) Los que surgen como fruto de la unión divina de las espirales de Alfa y Omega; los que tienen al Cristo consigo, como el Emmanuel. La creación del Dios Padre-Madre (Elohim) hecha a imagen y semejanza del Divino Nosotros, identificado por la llama trina de la Vida anclada dentro del corazón.

On the Path, the term “sons and daughters of God” denotes a level of initiation and a rank in hierarchy that is above those who are called the children of God—children in the sense that they have not passed the initiations of the sacred fire that would warrant their being called joint-heirs with Christ, hence sons and daughters of God.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.