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Template:Vísindi hins talaða Orðs/is

Fullyrðing (assertion) og árétting um að eitthvað sé til staðar eða sé satt og rétt; staðfesting eða fullgilding sannleikans; hátíðleg yfirlýsing.

A positive statement, usually beginning with the name of God, “I AM,” that affirms and strengthens the qualities of God within oneself, helping to bring those qualities into physical manifestation.

Affirmations are fiats which may be of greater length and more specific detail. They affirm the action of Truth in man—in his being, consciousness, and world. They are used alternately with denials of the reality of evil in all of its forms. Likewise, they affirm the power of Truth that challenges the activities of the fallen ones.

See also

Spoken Word


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word.