Amen Bey

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Other languages:

Amen Bey hefur fengið margar útfærslur í Egyptalandi, þar sem hann var faraó sem hafði áhrif á menningu landsins í samræmi við meginreglur upprisinna meistaranna. Hann var prestur hins heilaga elds á Atlantis, og hann vinnur náið með Serapis Bey sem bróðir í hofinu í Luxor. Rafrænt mynstur hans er djúpblátt myndmerki sem inniheldur hugmyndina um andlega endurfæðingu hins kristna manns.

Amen Bey’s twin flame is Clara Louise Kieninger, Regent Mother of the Flame. Amen Bey and Clara Louise are dedicated to the youth of the world. When you call to them together, you have the mighty action of Alpha and Omega that they focus. You can pray to them to assist you to help parents and their children, and they will lead the way in spiritual work on behalf of the youth of the world.

Amen Bey presently teaches classes on cosmic law at the Royal Teton Retreat. He can assist you in preparation for the ascension and in healing. He says:

I AM Amen Bey, your brother on the Path. I bring healing through the sacred fire in your temple. I direct needlepoint rays into every cell and atom of your four lower bodies for balancing and healing.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Amen Bey.”

  1. Amen Bey, “An Ancient Temple of Luxor,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 29, June 27, 1991.