Athvarf Kúthúmi í Shigatse, Tíbet
Kúthúmi heldur uppi ljósvakaathvarfi í Shigatse, Tíbet, þar sem hann leikur helga tónlist á stóru orgeli sem er sam við tónlist sviðanna. Hann beinir sveiflutíðni þessarar tónlistar til sálna á dauðastund þeirra og leiðir þær að ljósvakaathvarfi Stóra hvíta bræðralagsins til undirbúningskennslu fyrir næsta jarðneska líf þeirra.

Drottinn Maitreya lýsir tónlist þessa orgels:
As you know, at Shigatse a great organ has been created by beloved Kuthumi, which he plays for those who are departing from this world and therefore brings to their consciousness the melody and harmony of higher spheres....
They are the consummation of the love of planetary bodies ascended. They are the love of cosmic beings, of archangels and their archeiai, of Elohim and sacred-fire beings seldom heard upon this planetary body—composed into a love symphony by your own beloved Kuthumi.[1]
Sjá einnig
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Kuthumi’s Retreat at Shigatse, Tibet.”
- ↑ Lord Maitreya, “The Call to Come to Our Retreat in the Far East,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 38, July 22, 1984.