
Orðið er Logos; það er kraftur Guðs og birtingin á þeim krafti sem holdgert er í og sem Kristur.
Unnendur Logos birta mátt Orðsins í helgisiðum vísindanna um hið talaða Orð. Það er í gegnum Orðið sem Guð faðir og guðsmóðir hefur samskipti við mannkynið. Kristur er persónugervingur Orðsins.
Orðið og Vac
Fyrsta vers Jóhannesarguðspjalls hljóðar: „Í upphafi var Orðið, og Orðið var hjá Guði, og Orðið var Guð. Þetta vers á sér hliðstæðu í kenningum hindúa um hina kosmísku meginreglu og persónu Vac (borið fram Vwahk; sem þýðir bókstaflega „tal,“ „orð,“ „rödd,“ „tal“ eða „tungumál“) eins og skráð er í Veda-ritunum, elstu ritningum hindúasiðar, líklega samdar u.þ.b. 1500-1000 f.Kr.
Hindúatextinn Taittirya Brahmaa (Brahmaas eru útskýringar við Veda) segir að „Orðið, óforgengilegt, er frumburður sannleikans, móðir veda og miðdepill ódauðleikans. Vac er kölluð „móðir“ vedaritanna vegna þess að talið er að Brahma hafi opinberað þær með krafti sínum.
The Taya Maha Brahmaa teaches, “This, [in the beginning], was only the Lord of the universe. His Word was with him. This Word was his second. He contemplated. He said, ‘I will deliver this Word so that she will produce and bring into being all this world’” (XX, 14, 2).
Scholar John Woodroffe (pen name, Arthur Avalon) quotes John 1:1 and says:
These are the very words of Veda. Prajapatir vai idam ast: In the beginning was Brahman. Tasya vag dvitya ast; with whom was Vak or the Word (She is spoken of as second to Him because She is first potentially in, and then as Shakti issues from Him); Vag vai paramam Brahma; and the word is Brahman. Vak is thus a Shakti or Power of the Brahman.... This Shakti which was in Him is at the creation with Him, and evolves into the form of the Universe whilst still remaining what It is—the Supreme Shakti” who is “one with Brahman.”[1]
Hindu texts refer to Vac as the wife or consort of the Creator “who contains within herself all worlds.” Sarasvati, the consort of Brahma and goddess of language, speech, wisdom and art, is identified with Vac in the Mahabharata and later Hindu tradition. Quoting the Brahmaas, author Raimundo Panikkar writes that Vac “is truly ‘the womb of the universe.’ For ‘by that Word of his, by that self, he created all this, whatever there is.’”
Panikkar also notes that “Vac was before all creation, preexisting before any being came to be.... Vac is the life-giving principle within all beings.... She has a feminine characteristic of complementarity, a mediatorial role, and a certain feminine docility and obedience. She needs always to be uttered, by men, by Gods, or by the Creator himself.... [The Vedic Word] is ultimately as important as Brahman and, in a way that has to be properly understood, it is Brahman itself.”[2]
Sjá einnig
Pearls of Wisdom, 31. bindi, nr. 65, 2. okróvwe, 1988.