Dómkirkja fjólubláa logans

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Þann 11. október 1975 tilkynnti Sadkíel erkiengill í San Francisco flutning dómkirkju fjólubláa logans frá prestum og hofgyðjum Fjóluplánetunnar. Hann sagði:

Á þessari stundu eru englasveitir að flytja þessa risastóru dómkirkju og koma henni fyrir á ljósvakasviðinu innan lofthjúps jarðar til að helga hana fjólubláa loganum og sem önnur viðtökustöð fyrir sálir sem vilja eigan frjálsar aðgang að þegar þær ferðast á meðan líkamar þeirra sofa að nóttu til. Og þess vegna er dómkirkju Fjólubláa logans komið fyrir í hjarta Klettafjallanna til minningar um frelsisljós stjórnanda fjólubláu plánetunnar, Omri-Tas, sem svarar kalli karla og kvenna sem sækjast eftir ljósi frelsisins án þess að vita af fjólubláa loganum. Heill sé börnum ljóssins! Heill sé náttúruverunum! Því að þeim er líka boðið að ganga inn í dómkirkju fjólubláa logans til að mettast af því ljósi, til að hreinsast af öllum byrðum vitundarsviða mannkyns. ...

The focuses of light in this Cathedral are the jewels of the amethyst and violet crystals of many varieties that also hold the action of the violet flame. And these crystals are not native to Terra but come from the Violet Planet as specimens of that which coalesces there as the crystallization of the Christ mind....

Remember to enter the Violet Flame Cathedral. You will find violet-flame angels tending there, tending the flame of sacred fire, and you will also find on the altar, the central altar, a focus of jade, the gift of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple, placed there as the offering of healing for those who come to have their substance transmuted—a focus of jade, healing jade, for the removal of the cause and core of that sin and that struggle that produce disease in mind, in souls, in bodies.

And you will see also certain angels, twelve in number, who come from the Temple of the Angel Deva. You will also see an arc of light from that temple in China to the temple in North America. And if you are fortunate in the flame of living Truth, you may also find the Angel Deva standing there also officiating at the altar with the violet-flame angels.

So I have come in the midst of the judgment to tell you of this gift of the priests and priestesses of the sacred fire. So make your way to the Cathedral of the Violet Flame and be blessed as you carry that flame north and south and east and west.[1]

Sjá einnig

Jaði musterið


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “The Cathedral of the Violet Flame”.

  1. Archangel Zadkiel, “The Cathedral of the Violet Flame,” October 11, 1975.