Elóhímar hinna fimm leyndu geisla
Þó að það séu sjö pör af Elohim í ytri birtingarmynd, þá eru fimm í innri birtingu innan Miðsólarinnar miklu. Þessir fimm birta leynigeislana fimm.
Þó að þær séu sjö pör af Elohim í ytri birtingarmynd, þá eru fimm í innri birtingu innan Miðsólarinnar miklu. Þessir fimm birta leynigeislana fimm.
These five will come forth when mankind have demonstrated a greater degree of mastery over the energies now available for their spiritual evolution through the seven “active” rays.
The Elohim who came forth from the heart of God in response to the Great Command are comparable to the electrons that go forth from the nucleus of the atom. Just as without the electrons that create an energy whirl of time and space there would be no Matter, so without the Elohim there would be no world of form. The five Elohim serving on the secret rays correspond to the neutrons that remain in the heart of the atom.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Elohim of the Five Secret Rays.”
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, pp. 252–53.