Sjöundi rótarkynþáttur
Rótarkyn er hópur sála, eða lífsbylgja, sem samanstendur af og hefur einstakt erkitýpískt mynstur, guðlega áætlun og verkefni að uppfylla á jörðinni. Samkvæmt dulspekilegri hefð eru sjö frumsamstæður sálna, þ.e.a.s. fyrstu til sjöundu rótarkynstofnanna.
Sjöunda rótarkynið er þróun sála sem styrkt er af Guðdómsstjóranum mikla og ætlað að vera í álfunni á meginlandi Suður-Ameríku undir sjöundu ráðstöfunartímanum, vatnsdýraöldinni, og sjöundi geisli.
Hinn upprisni frú meistari Clara Louise talar um komu sjöunda rótarkynsins:
Ég hef notið þeirra forréttinda að ganga með hinum mikla guðdómlega stjórnanda; og í þjónustu minni við alheimsmeyjuna, hefur hann leyft mér að sjá hið óspillta mynstur sálareinkennis þeirra. Og hann hefur beðið um að ég haldi áfram þjónustu minni, þjónustu við logann sem regent móðir logans, ekki aðeins fyrir hönd sálna í holdgervingu, heldur fyrir hönd þeirra sálna sem aldrei hafa tekið þátt í holdgervingu í heimi formi. Og þannig er hluti af daglegu samfélagi mínu við Omega að styrkja kristilegt mynstur sjöunda rótarkynstofnsins í meðvitund þeirra foreldra sem eiga að ala upp sjöunda rótarkyns börn.
Some of these parents are in embodiment in this hemisphere, North and South America; and some are yet abiding in etheric temples waiting to be born, that they might bring forth these souls twenty years from now, twenty-five years, thirty years. And thus by giving birth to souls who are preparing, you see, you can entertain unawares the parents of the seventh root race and become thereby grandparents of these incoming souls.
And you will live to see them. And when you find yourselves at that age when you can enjoy your grandchildren, you will see by your heightened sensitivity, which you will have gained by that time by your devotion to the Flame, that the auras of these precious ones will have a violet hue, and their rosy cheeks and their delicate skin tone will also have a violet cast. And in those days you will remember that on October 25, 1973, as I came to you to establish the victory of my ascension and to lock you in my embrace, you heard my words and my prophesy of those who would come forth.
You see, precious hearts, it will take several centuries before the entire seventh root race is in embodiment. They will come in sections according to the rays under which they serve. The forerunners of the seventh root race are the strong who have etched upon their etheric bodies the flame of God’s holy will. They come imbued with that power to clear the way, to establish the right consciousness of the holy will. And so, you see, in the focus of God’s holy will which you have dedicated, you are likewise reinforcing the will of God on behalf of the forerunners, the avant-garde of the seventh root race.
And next will come those who serve on the second ray, and then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh. And in this order and by this divine design, the Great Divine Director will sponsor the lifewave. And you will see the pattern of that lifewave at inner levels be as a giant curve until the focal point of the curve, like the trailing garments of the comet itself,[1] will manifest centrally in the Son consciousness. And the Christ consciousness of the seventh root race will come to the fore, then, when each of the seven rays shall have come into embodiment.
You must also understand that light descends and that waves of light come forth within the first wave as representatives of all the seven rays are within the first wave. And thus you see that spirals within spirals within spirals prepare the way for the grand finale of the entire mandala of a root race to appear.[2]
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.