Retiro de Arabia

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An oasis in the Arabian Desert

Jesús es el responsable del retiro de la Hermandad que hay en el desierto de Arabia, al noreste del mar Rojo. El Retiro de Arabia se encuentra en un complejo de edificios que fueron sellados herméticamente por los maestros antes de que un cataclismo los cubriera con las arenas del desierto. La parte superior de los edificios se encuentra ahora a 125 pies bajo la superficie.

Rafael, la Virgen María y Nada también prestan servicio desde este retiro con legiones de ángeles de la paz.


Cada siete años se celebra el Consejo Internacional de la Gran Hermandad Blanca en esta ciudad subterránea. El retiro tiene su entrada en una apertura suficientemente ancha como para admitir automóviles, que bajan por una pendiente hacia un aparcamiento y zona de servicio de doscientos pies de diámetro. Cuando las fauces de la tierra se cierran, todo lo que se puede ver es desierto, sin ninguna indicación de la ubicación del retiro.

Descending almost four hundred feet by elevator, we enter a huge chamber with large columns, three hundred feet high and decorated with hieroglyphs. We proceed into an adjoining council chamber two hundred feet square, having a single great column in the center supporting the arched ceiling. At the base of the column inlaid in the floor are the cosmic symbols of the twelve houses of the sun. We note that they are different from the signs of the zodiac currently in use in the outer world. The entire architecture, as well as the interior design of this subterranean city, is of an ancient style resembling that which we think of as Greek and Roman.

As we are shown the marvels of the retreat, we enter the television chamber where there is a large reflector upon which one may observe, by the mere turn of a dial, the activities occurring at any given point upon the globe. In the adjoining radio chamber, completely proofed against sound and vibration, there is an instrument that is used to tune into sounds or conversations occurring anywhere on the planet. Thus, the masters have immediate contact with the activities of the outer world. The master K-17, head of the Cosmic Secret Service, frequents this retreat and uses these instruments to gain firsthand knowledge of the activities of the brothers of the shadow and their plots against individual and national freedom.

There is a chemical laboratory where initiates learn how to counteract germ warfare, poisonous gases and chemicals when such are released on a large scale for controlling the masses. In the cosmic-ray chamber, students are taught the use of the seven rays and how to direct them for the blessing of mankind. In the chambers of art, music and state, new techniques are being developed and will be released for the advancing culture and progressive forms of government that will be used in the golden age. In other chambers, the riches and records of ancient civilizations are kept and will one day be released for the edification and blessing of the people.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Arabian Retreat.”