Templo de la Llama Rosa y Cristalina
El Arcángel Chamuel y Caridad tienen un retiro etérico sobre St. Louis, en Missouri, «en la zona sur» de Norteamérica. El retiro se llama Templo de la Llama Rosa y Cristalina. Un arco de amor divino forma un puente entre este retiro y el de los Elohim del tercer rayo, Heros y Amora, en el reino etérico, cerca del lago Winnipeg, en Manitoba (Canadá).
The city’s most prominent landmark, the 630-foot high stainless steel Gateway Arch, stands on the banks of the Mississippi River and symbolizes St. Louis as the gateway to the West. So, too, the Gateway Arch, inspired by the inner design of the retreat, is intended as a sign to quicken the awareness of all who behold it that here is the open door to the etheric retreat of beloved Chamuel and Charity.
The emanation of the love ray from this retreat is a flow of creativity. It has been misused in dissonant forms of art and music as well as a certain momentum of prejudice and narrow-mindedness that is the perversion of the true flame of love. Nevertheless, the flame of love from this retreat promotes the generosity of heart, the givingness and forgivingness of the people on the North American continent. The enormous energy of love simply flushes out all else and assists the people to retain that concern for the world and for humanity. The altar and flame of the retreat are dedicated to the flow of life from the heart of God to the heart of Christ to the heart of man.
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “El Templo de la Llama Rosa y Cristalina”.