San Patricio

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Statue of Saint Patrick at Croagh Patrick, Ireland

San Patricio es el gran santo y patrón del pueblo irlandés. Su naturaleza intensamente espiritual, su entusiasmo y su fortaleza en la acción lo capacitaron para sobreponerse a enormes dificultades y a llevar gradualmente la fe cristiana a toda Irlanda.

Vida temprana

Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the late fourth century A.D. His father, Calpurnius, was a deacon in the Christian church, When Patrick was sixteen years old, a band of Irish marauders carried him off and kept him in captivity tending herds. After six years he escaped, and after several years he returned home.

After his return he had a dream in which he saw a man named Victoricus bearing innumerable letters, one of which he received and read. The beginning of it bore the inscription: “The Voice of the Irish.” As he read the first words, he heard the voice of the Irish calling him to return to them.

Having received the calling, he set out to prepare himself for his mission and spent the next twenty years at centers of learning in Gaul. In 432 he was finally consecrated a bishop and commissioned to spread the faith in Ireland. In addition to establishing many churches and converting thousands to Christianity, Patrick introduced Latin into Ireland as the language of the Church.

Sanat Kumara on Saint Patrick

Sanat Kumara tells us that it was by his calling that Patrick was raised up to be an apostle of the Christ and to subdue the seed of serpent in Ireland. Sanat Kumara speaks of his son Patrick:

Let us go to the mountain in the land of Erin where a youth enslaved by pagans is in prayer through the day and into the night. So fervent is the love of God within him that the fire of his heart is a light midst snow and ice. He lived on the mountain, alone with God, tending his master’s herds. And on that mountain, I called my son Patrick, that out of the condition of servitude there might be produced the miracle fire of freedom.

It was late fourth century A.D. and the clans of the Irish—the reincarnated tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh—were ruled by a host of kings. They served not the LORD God, nor had they the salvation of his Son. Therefore I, the Ancient of Days, called my son, freeborn, unto slavery that I might deliver him to freedom and to the mission of implanting the violet flame in the hearts of my true sons and daughters that they might one day carry it to the New World in the name of Saint Germain.

To him I gave the vision of the people of Erin whose seed would one day ignite the fires of freedom on every shore and in every nation. Your own prophet Mark derived his fervor from that lineage of the Ancient of Days, which goes back to the emerald isle. And the Irish eyes of Thomas Moore, poet and prince of my heart, yet smile through the sternness of El Morya and his twinkle of mirth always needed on earth.

Finally restored to his kinsfolk after six years of humbling himself before me on the mountain, tending sheep as he would soon feed my sheep, Patrick heard the voices of the souls of my children crying out from the land of Erin for deliverance: “We beseech thee, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more.” Indeed they remembered him when he had walked among them as a prophet in Israel, rebuking their waywardness in the name of the LORD. Now they awaited the message of their salvation through Messiah’s anointed apostle.

Patrick prepared for his mission under the lineage of the ruby ray and with the saints of the inner Church. And that mission, my beloved, was to subdue the seed of Serpent in Ireland and to raise up the tribes of Israel, the remnant of Joseph’s seed who would be Christ-bearers to the nations.[1] Empowered of the Holy Ghost and bearing the Staff of Jesus, he wielded such power and wrought such miracles that pagan chiefs and decadent druids bowed in submission to this rod of Aaron that, in the new tongue, became the rod of Erin.

So perilous was the mission of the shamrock saint of the fifth ray that he wrote in his “Confession”: “Daily I expect either a violent death or to be robbed and reduced to slavery or the occurrence of some such calamity. I have cast myself into the hands of Almighty God, for He rules everything; as the Prophet sayeth, ‘Cast thy care upon the LORD, and He Himself will sustain thee.’”

Well might you emulate the courage and the humility of my son Patrick when he boldly challenged Prince Corotick, that serpent who dared plunder Patrick’s domain, massacring a great number of neophytes, as it is written, who were yet in their white garments after baptism; and others he carried away and sold to infidels.

Patrick circulated a letter in his own hand pronouncing the judgment of Corotick and his accomplices and declaring them separate from him as the established Bishop of Ireland, and from Jesus Christ. He forbade the faithful “to eat with them, or to receive their alms, till they should have satisfied God by the tears of sincere penance, and restored the servants of Jesus Christ to their liberty.”

Such is the true Work and Word of the saints of the ruby ray who, with all due seriousness, receive the sign of their coming in the taking up of serpents. Thousands upon thousands of the descendants of Jacob’s favorite son were baptized and confirmed by the Lord Jesus through my son Patrick. Like the apostle Paul, he bound the power of Serpent’s seed that had invaded the land of Erin; and like him, he healed their sick, he restored sight—both inner and outer—to their blind, and he raised Abram’s seed—dead in body and in spirit—to new life through the indwelling Christ by the Word of Christ Jesus, his beloved.

Chapel at the Summit of Croagh Patrick (known in Patrick’s time as Mount Aigli)

Now the ascended master Saint Patrick stands with me on the summit of Mount Aigli where, at the close of his earthly sojourn, he retreated forty days and forty nights, fasting in body and in spirit that he might be filled with the light of the Ancient of Days. There on that occasion fifteen hundred years ago, I summoned all the saints of Erin—the light of Aaron’s priesthood and the lightbearers of the Christic seed of Joseph—past, present, and future, to pay homage to him who was father to them all.... My beloved, many of you were among the souls of the saints who came to Patrick in his final hours on the mountain. You saluted him in the glory of God that was upon him, and to him you were the promise that his Word and Work would be carried to golden shores unto a golden age of Christ peace and enlightenment.[2]

Lessons from his life

Throughout his mission, Patrick was overshadowed by Lord Maitreya and Mighty Victory. The story of his life illustrates the power of one individual in God. On one occasion he faced the initiation of wrestling with the Antichrist. He explains that he was saved by calling on the name of Helios:

On that very same night I lay a-sleeping, and powerfully Satan assailed me; which I shall remember as long as I am in this body. He fell upon me like an enormous stone, and I was stricken nerveless in all my limbs. Whence then did it come into my unscholarly spirit to call upon Helias? At once I saw the sun rising into the dawn sky, and while I kept invoking “Helias, Helias,” with all my strength, lo, the Splendour of the Sun fell over me and instantly shook all the heaviness off from me. I believe I was succored by Christ my Lord and that his Spirit even then was calling out on my behalf.[3]

Patrick faced many difficult challenges in his life. He was never afraid to confront evil, and he knew that Jesus Christ lived in him and spoke through him. In his Confession, he speaks of twelve perils that beset his soul. These perils are the twelve initiations of the twelve gates of the city, the New Jerusalem, whereby we are then anointed to enter into that Holy City, having passed the twelve initiations of the twelve lines of the clock, of our karma and of our Christhood.

On many occasions Patrick demonstrated mastery over animal life in the elemental kingdom. He is famous for his use of the shamrock to illustrate the Oneness of the Trinity to members of the court.

His service today

Saint Patrick speaks of his mission as an ascended master:

You have called me Saint Patrick, and I come by that name. Yet God has given to me another name, the new name that cannot be received except by those who enter into the white-fire core with the ascended masters. God has called me to be the champion of truth. And as I bring that truth to the nations, there is the rallying to the standard of truth by some and there is division and darkness and murder and death in the midst of others.[4]

You can call to Saint Patrick to help you to deal with entrenched forces of darkness. Saint Patrick’s Lorica is a prayer for protection and a way to invoke his presence with you.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Saint Patrick.”

  1. Joseph, youngest and most favored son of Jacob, had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Jacob blessed as his own. Reincarnated in Britain and the U.S.A., they carry the flame of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  2. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, pp. 294–97.
  3. Oliver St. John Fogarty, I Follow Saint Patrick (London: Rich & Cowan, 1938), p. 298.
  4. Saint Patrick, April 3, 1977.