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Communism in its modern form is based on Karl Marx’s adaptation of the Hegelian dialectic to the study of history. Marx proposed that the study of man could be reduced to purely material considerations and that economic systems were the primary determinant in relationships between men. Marx adapted the dialectic of Hegel in his statement that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles,” and his concept that all social order founded on class division has within it the seeds of its own destruction until a classless society emerges. Revolution becomes a tool to this end, if necessary.

With the classless society as the absolute goal, history is said to be leading civilization to an inevitable structure where all personal, educational, social and environmental differences are leveled to a predetermined state of so-called equality. Such a state would bring to a halt the operation of the law of karma. Thus, for all intents and purposes, it would preclude the possibility of individuals and nations making spiritual progress, for karma is indeed the great teacher of mankind.

Communist doctrine makes no provision for man to evolve spiritually while he builds the foundation for the Golden Age. And most importantly, it denies his opportunity to work out his karma within the framework of an economy that allows him to rise according to his own effort.

Saint Germain has said:

If I should summarize ... the greatest dangers upon earth, I should say that in the macrocosmic sense it is undoubtedly World Communism—fed, ignited, increased by world monopoly capitalism and the banking houses. And secondly, I would say that the false hierarch of oneself, the dweller-on-the-threshold, is the greatest single threat to world freedom when we are dealing with that synthetic self of our best servants.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood, Section V, “World Communism: Counterfeit of the Golden Age Culture.”

  1. Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, no. 42.