Inner Retreat

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Gateway to the Heart of the Inner Retreat

The Inner Retreat is a physical outpost of the Great White Brotherhood at the Royal Teton Ranch in the Paradise Valley of southwestern Montana. The land of the Inner Retreat and particularly the Heart of the Inner Retreat, a secluded mountain meadow at an elevation of six thousand feet, is consecrated ground and is considered to be a sacred or holy land.

The Inner Retreat is partially in the etheric octave, and numerous ascended masters have spoken of walking this hallowed ground. It is the place where the soul meets or encounters the Real Self, the guru in the form of the messengers and the ascended masters, particularly Lord Maitreya. It is the Mystery School of Eden on Lemuria come again. The Retreat of the Divine Mother is in the etheric octave above the Inner Retreat.

The ascended master Saint Germain, in his July 4, 1981, address, spoke of some of the purposes of the Inner Retreat and dedicated it as the Place of Great Encounters:

I dedicate this land to the ascension of the Blessed Virgin. I dedicate this land to her summoning of her own for the victory of the ascension and her vigil with her sons unto the light everlasting.

I dedicate, therefore, this Inner Retreat as the Place of Great Encounters where each one might come to encounter the LORD God Almighty, his own I AM Presence, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed hearts, souls encountering Truth, souls uniting one with the other, forging a union, forging a nucleus, forging a magnet for transition into the new age—when have we ever seen re-created again the original seed of Sanat Kumara gathered together in one place, not merely for human companionship but for the understanding of the components of the capstone[1] and the components of the heart of America, understanding the rising souls, disengaging from the dissonance of the world and its discord, from its momentum of war and bloodshed, oppression, and the clouding of the mind by tyrants? When have we ever seen gathered together, in the numberless numbers of thousands, the body of Light of planet Earth?

Blessed hearts, it has been many centuries. And the world has not seen yet what can be accomplished by the great gathering of the elect. Is it not prophesied that they shall come from the four winds and from the four corners of the earth?[2] Is it not decreed? Thus, I have placed my electrodes as waymarkers and signs in the nations of the earth, that all might follow the sign of the violet flame—the violet-flame banner and the marker—coming home by the markings of transmutation.[3]


Compiled by the editors.

  1. The community of the Great White Brotherhood is symbolized in the Great Pyramid. On March 23, 1980, Cyclopea explained that “the capstone ... is indeed composed of the initiates of the sacred fire.” It is missing because “there has never manifested in this octave a body of souls unascended who could make that pledge of eternal unity, of fusion!” On March 30, 1980, Cyclopea announced: “We are assembling the components of the capstone.... It has not been accomplished in twelve thousand years except in the ascended master octaves.” See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, pp. 71, 73.
  2. Isa. 11:10–12; Mark 13:24–27.
  3. Saint Germain, “Let the Sparks Fly: To the Inner Retreat—The Place of Great Encounters,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 34, August 23, 1981.