Virgo y Pelleur

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Virgo y Pelleur son los directores del elemento tierra. Son la madre y el padre de la tierra y los gnomos. Trabajan con los jerarcas de Libra, Escorpión y Sagitario para enseñar a la humanidad la maestría de sus cuerpos físicos; y con los jerarcas de Capricornio, Tauro y Virgo para enseñarle la maestría del elemento tierra.

Virgo y Pelleur son seres cósmicos que gobiernan desde el sol de presión constante del centro de la Tierra y dirigen los rayos de su cuerpo causal a través del elemento tierra. Durante las tres primeras eras de oro este elemento era transparente, puro como el cristal y con rayos iridiscentes, pero tras el descenso de la conciencia de la humanidad hacia la dualidad, el elemento tierra asumió la densidad de la conciencia de los hombres, igual que el agua y el aire.

Las cargas que tiene la vida elemental

En 1980 Virgo y Pelleur nos dijeron que «hay miles y miles de millones de gnomos que cuidan de los ciclos de la Tierra en las cuatro estaciones, purificando el planeta de los venenos y agentes contaminantes que son tan peligrosos para el cuerpo físico de las personas, los animales y las plantas». Hablaron con gran preocupación de las cargas que tiene la vida elemental y la necesidad de la llama violeta para evitar los cambios terrestres: «En épocas del pasado, cuando la discordia, la muerte y la enfermedad creada por la humanidad han alcanzado proporciones mayores de lo que los elementales han podido soportar, la propia Naturaleza se ha agitado violetamente», como lo hizo cuando «la vida elemental desató las fuentes de las profundidades, provocando el gran diluvio que fue causa del hundimiento de la Atlántida y el diluvio de Noé…

A menos que se produzca una gran intensificación en la saturación del cuerpo terrestre con la llama violeta mediante la multiplicación de los llamados de los Guardianes de la Llama, en esta década habrá trastornos planetarios, cambios en las condiciones climáticas y terremotos que provocarán una gran pérdida de vidas humanas así como cambios permanentes en la superficie geográfica de la tierraCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content.

Hemos visto cómo algo de esto ya ha ocurrido, y Saint Germain ha dicho que la cantidad de llama violeta invocada por las evoluciones del planeta no ha bastado para transmutar completamente el karma. Cuando la gente no produce la luz de la llama violeta, entonces la Naturaleza es la que debe efectuar la transmutación. La transmutación por parte de la Naturaleza de las cargas del karma planetario que resultan imposibles de soportar es el cataclismo. Por eso hemos visto importantes cataclismos al final de las eras.

Los gnomos y el servicio

Virgo and Pelleur have described the gnomes and their service:

The beings you call gnomes, whose image has been dwarfed in the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and other fairy tales, actually range in size from three-inch-high elves playing in the grasses, to the three-foot dwarfs, all the way to the hierarchies of the mountains who attend the Great Hall of the Mountain King and Queen glimpsed by Grieg and portrayed in his musical tribute to the special gnomes of Norway and the Norsemen.[1]

There are giants in the elemental kingdom of the earth. These are powerful beings who wield the fire of atom and molecule and hold the balance for the continents through cataclysm, flood and fire. This evolution was created by Elohim to sustain the platform for the great experiment in free will ordained by God unto his children whom he sent forth into the planetary systems to be fruitful in the Christ consciousness and to multiply the manifestation of God in their offspring and in the works of their hands.

As the gnomes represent the Holy Spirit and are transmitters of the love of the Comforter through the beauty and caring of nature for God’s children, there are other elementals who represent the office of the Father, the Son and the Mother. Thus, even in the lower kingdoms of the planetary bodies there are representatives of the four cosmic forces envisioned by Ezekiel and Saint John.[2]

The mighty gnomes, gentle and merciful, are the archetype in nature of the ox who treadeth out the corn,[3] the great burdenbearer of mankind’s karma. Self-sacrificing, they even deny their own evolutionary fulfillment in order that man as the highest manifestation of God might continue to have the opportunity to prove the law of grace and enter into the rite of spring in the true spirit of the resurrection flame.[4]

A gnome assigned to each Keeper of the Flame

In 1991 Pelleur said:

There is a certain class of gnomes who have come with me this day who ... are familiar with mankind and their ways and their deeds. They have received a special education in order to take part in the activities of this community. They have been prepared to separate out from our bands and to join forces with Keepers of the Flame who find it realistic to make the pledge today to set aside even ten minutes out of the twenty-four hours a day to make specific fiats on behalf of the elementals.

A gnome is therefore assigned to you, each one, as an experiment. This gnome will be as an assistant. This gnome will take directions from you and also impart to you intimations from myself and beloved Virgo as direction as to what needs to be accomplished upon the planet for the continuity of earthly existence itself. These gnomes will assist you as you give the violet-flame calls for the beings of fire, air, water and earth, even as they will call to other elementals whom they will train to decree and to invoke the violet flame.

Until the gnomes and the elementals have been endowed with a threefold flame by their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they must make the call under the sponsorship and mantle of your individual Christhood, your individual threefold flame. Therefore, it is as much a benefit to the gnome for you to receive him or her as it is to you for the gnome to receive you. It is a mutual pact, if you will.[5]

Pelleur and Virgo are known as the Earth Father and the Earth Mother. Virgo is also sometimes known as Prosperina.

See also



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Virgo and Pelleur.”

  1. Edvard Grieg, “In the Hall of the Mountain King,” from Peer Gynt Suite.
  2. Ezek. 1; 10; Rev. 4.
  3. Deut. 25:4; 1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim. 5:18.
  4. Virgo and Pelleur, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 14, April 6, 1980.
  5. Virgo and Pelleur, “A Desperate Plea: Invoke the Violet Flame on Behalf of the Elementals,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 42, September 1, 1991.