Thoughtform for the year

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Twice a year—at winter and summer solstice—the Lords of Karma convene in the council chambers of the Royal Teton Retreat to act upon the petitions of sons and daughters of God and to deliver the cosmic dispensations that come forth from the heart of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun—allotments of energy for the enlightenment and progress of humanity. Each New Year’s Eve, the thoughtform for the year is released from the Silent Watcher of this solar system to the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, who in turn releases it to earth’s unascended evolutions from the Royal Teton Retreat. The thoughtform contains the keys to the outpicturing of the will of God for the planet for the coming twelve-month cycle.

Thoughtforms for different years


The thoughtform for the year, which beloved Gautama described so well in his New Year’s address, is a golden “spinning wheel” releasing a golden thread of pure radiant energy to each lifestream to manifest as his apportioned substance. The nine spokes of the wheel are indicative of the seven members of the Karmic Board, and includes also beloved Gautama Lord of the World and blessed Saint Germain who are spokesmen for the Great White Brotherhood throughout the golden age. This golden thread, symbolical of each man esteeming his life energy as obedient substance, subjective with joy to God’s will, shall be used in the golden age to weave garments of immortality to endure as Christ accomplishment in a living memorial to God’s honor flame![1]


At our meeting in the Grand Teton this year and the occasion of the glorious visit of the Seven Holy Kumaras, the thoughtform for the year was released as a golden anvil. Wherever this thoughtform is used it is our suggestion that the brightest possible gold be employed in creating it. We also suggest that the word freedom be placed above it, denoting that mankind’s chains may be broken upon an anvil of freedom and as a reminder that once every form of tyranny and slavery have been abolished, responsibility does not thereupon cease; on the contrary, that all must strive together in the great smithy forge of life through their own intelligently directed efforts and through the great God-design to hammer out upon the great anvil of freedom, which is truly a golden anvil of illumined action, every necessary armor of righteousness, every necessary adornment and utensil of service, every right idea, and every right action.

The possibilities in this thoughtform seem endless but it is our desire, especially in view of the fact that it will be some time before the words of our New Year’s Eve address are released in print, that we, through the expression of this Pearl of Wisdom, shall bring to your attention this mighty thoughtform. The year has begun with a special impetus of beloved Mother Mary who is serving with El Morya to bring forth a beautiful manifestation of the virgin good will of God in a cosmic and universal action for the freedom of both the individual and the earth.

Long ago a gaunt figure, surveying the battlefields of Gettysburg, uttered these well-remembered words—“The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.” Beloved ones, may I from Shamballa remind you of the forerunners of progress who have dedicated themselves to the service of mankind and the holy cause of Godliness. Let everyone who would decipher the keynote for this year see it as an anvil of service, a golden anvil, whereupon mighty benefactions shall be fashioned for the good of the world and the freedom of all men. As we move forward toward peace with caution exercised on every hand and faith in God in whom we trust, let all persevere so the divine intent shall gleam more brightly.[2]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats

  1. Cuzco, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 5, no. 2, January 12, 1962.
  2. Gautama Buddha, “The Great Anvil of Freedom,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 7, no. 2, January 10, 1964.