
From TSL Encyclopedia
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The seven chakras superimposed over a painting of Michelangelo's David
The seven chakras

[Sanskrit for “wheel,” “disc,” “circle”] Term used to denote the centers of light anchored in the etheric body and governing the flow of energy to the four lower bodies of man.

There are seven major chakras corresponding to the seven rays, five minor chakras corresponding to the five secret rays, and a total of 144 light centers in the body of man. The seven major chakras, their rays, Sanskrit names, and colors are as follows:

Ray Chakra Sanskrit name Color Petals
First Ray throat Vishuddha blue 16
Second Ray crown Sahasrāra yellow 972
Third Ray heart Anāhata pink 12
Fourth Ray base of the spine Mūlādhāra white 4
Fifth Ray third eye Ajñā green 96
Sixth Ray solar plexus Manipūra purple and gold 10
Seventh Ray seat of the soul Svādhishthāna violet 6
Eighth Ray Secret chamber of the heart Ananda-Kanda between pink and gold, a peach color 8
Chakra Corresponding rhythm Musical instrument
Base 4/4 drum
Seat of the soul 6/8 woodwind
Solar plexus 5/4 organ
Heart 12/8 (without)
3/4 (within)
Throat brass
Third eye 2/4 piano
Crown strings
Secret chamber of the heart harpsichord
Seven chakras 7/4
Rings of the causal body that form
around each succeeding chakra
in the course of self-mastery

For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Patricia R. Spadaro, Your Seven Energy Centers: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Vitality.

Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Your Higher Self.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Chakra Meditations and the Science of the Spoken Word (audio album).

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain’s Heart Meditations I & II (audio album).

For more about music and the chakras:

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Power of Music to Create or Destroy (DVD).


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 7, 1977.