Palas Atena
Palas Atena, Deusa da Verdade, é um extraordinário ser de luz que personifica a consciência cósmica da Verdade.
A chama da verdade tem uma coloração verde-esmeralda de brilho intenso. É a combinação da energia do azul flamejante da vontade de Deus com a refulgente iluminação dourada da inteligência de Deus. A presença de Palas Atena no universo é a exaltação da chama da Verdade vivente. Ela sustenta esta Verdade em prol das evoluções da Terra, como membro do Conselho do Carma, no qual serve como representante do quinto raio da verdade, da cura, da abundância e da precipitação.
Aquela que ocupa o cargo de Deusa da Verdade sempre ajudou os mensageiros da Grande Fraternidade Branca. O seu cetro de poder é a espada flamejante da Verdade que separa o Real do irreal e guarda o caminho da Árvore da Vida, no Jardim do Éden.
Palas Atena encarnou como sumo-sacerdotisa do Templo da Verdade, na Atlântida, e servia sob a direção de Vesta.
Mais tarde, manteve a chama da Mãe da verdade, na antiga Grécia, quando aquele templo e a sua chama foram transferidos da Atlântida para aquele local. Atuou como diretora do templo e dos oráculos de Delfos, que eram os mensageiros dos deuses e das deusas que falavam aos anciães sobre a Verdade e a sabedoria da Lei. Palas Atena e os membros da Fraternidade procuraram manter vivos os mistérios internos dos retiros. As memórias dos deuses, as funções das virgens do templo e dos oráculos de Delfos foram os últimos vestígios de comunicação dos mestres ascensos na cultura grega. Depois da extinção dessas fontes, devido à discórdia e rebelião do povo, começamos a encontrar o pensamento moderno que culminou no que hoje se manifesta como humanismo.
Na Grécia Antiga
Palas Atena é a chama gêmea do Maha Chohan, que representa o Espírito Santo na Terra. Os dois formam um par indômito na defesa da verdade. O Maha Chohan encarnou como o poeta grego Homero que nos poemas épicos, Ilíada e Odisseia, escreveu sobre Palas Atena.
Palas Atena é uma das divindades mais importantes da mitologia grega, e na mitologia romana é conhecida como Minerva. A sua influência abarca desde a administração governamental e atividades militares até às delicadas artes da fiação e da tecelagem. Ela é tida como a personificação da sabedoria que rege o aspecto moral e intelectual da vida humana.
Atena era o coração da vida espiritual da antiga Atenas. Os gregos adoravam-na como defensora das cidades e dedicaram-lhe vários títulos. Ela é reverenciada como Deusa da Guerra e da Paz, Deusa da Sabedoria, protetora das artes e do artesanato, e como guardiã das cidades. Também é homenageada como inventora e protetora da cultura, e como protetora da vida civilizada e da agricultura. É denominada Deusa Conselheira e Deusa da Assembleia, pelo seu papel de mantenedora da lei e da ordem nos tribunais e por administrar a justiça. Devido à mestria na arte de fiar, de tecer e nos trabalhos de agulha, é considerada a Deusa da Mulher Trabalhadora.
Among the many inventions attributed to her are the plow, the rake, the flute, the ship and the science of numbers. Her emblem is the olive, emblem of peace; and her bird is the owl, representative of wisdom.
Athena is popularly admired as the “martial maiden” who inspires and accompanies heroes in their adventures and battles, yet never succumbs to amorous advances, fiercely defending her virginity. She was one of three virgin-goddesses who could not be stirred by the influences of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. One of the earliest accounts of Athena appears in the Iliad, where she is a war goddess, inspiring and fighting alongside the Greek heroes. To possess her favor is considered synonymous with military prowess.
According to the traditions of Greek mythology, Pallas Athena was the favorite daughter of Zeus, the powerful father of the Gods and king of Mount Olympus. Her mother was the Goddess Metis, whose name means “thought” or “intelligence.” Metis was believed to be so wise that she knew more than all the gods and men together.
Zeus was warned that if he had children with Metis they would be more powerful than he and would eventually dethrone him. Thus, when Metis became pregnant with Athena, Zeus swallowed Metis in order to prevent the child’s birth. Soon after, Zeus became afflicted with a violent headache. He went to the smithy god Hephaestus, who split his skull with a bronze ax in order to relieve the pain. Out sprang the bright-eyed Athena in full armour, shouting triumphantly and brandishing a sharp spear!

The birth of Athena from the head of Zeus can be seen as symbolic of her rational temperament. Her very nature reflects the triumph of reason over passion, as she is consistently unmoved by the emotions of passion or romantic love. Her father is the most powerful and her mother the wisest of the gods and goddesses. Athena is thus a product of the union of power and wisdom.
To the Athenians, she was known as Parthenos, which means “Virgin,” or “Maiden.” They built the Parthenon in her honor on the Acropolis at Athens. The beautiful Parthenon was one of the largest Greek temples and a masterpiece of Greek architecture. It was the spiritual center of Athens. Built on a high hill, it was visible for miles around and stood as a symbol of Athenian culture, wealth and power. Inside, toward the west end, towered a forty-foot-high ivory and gold statue of the goddess, sculpted by Phidias.
In art, Athena is represented as a stately figure, clothed in armour and bearing her breastplate, the aegis, which no arrow could pierce. The aegis is ringed in serpents and is adorned with the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Athena often wears a golden helmet and holds in her right hand a spear to strike at a serpent near her feet. It has thus been said that she wields the spear of knowledge against the serpent of ignorance. To the ancient Greeks, Athena was known as the Spear-shaker. They placed her statue on their temples, and when the rays of the sun would dance on her spear, it looked as if she were shaking it.
Pallas Athena was the muse and inspiration of Sir Francis Bacon, author of the Shakespearean plays, an embodiment of Saint Germain. In her honor, he founded a secret literary society called the Knights of the Helmet. It is believed that he used the name Shakespeare partly in tribute to the goddess Pallas Athena, the “shaker of the spear.”
The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness
On June 30, 1976, in Washington, D.C., Pallas Athena called for the raising of the consciousness of the people of earth by the flame of truth—the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. She said:
I wish you would understand this day that when I say I AM Truth incarnate, I must rely upon your body, your flesh and your blood, your mind and your soul to be the incarnation of the Word of Truth that I AM!...
I AM Pallas Athena. I AM Greek. I AM Roman. I AM freeborn. I AM a member of every nation. I AM an American. From this day and forevermore, I claim you for the cause of Truth because you have made that cause your own. In the living flame of Truth, I am grateful for your love of Truth, of liberty, for your courage and your self-sacrifice. I am grateful, and I bow before the flame of Truth within you. And I will use that flame to light a nation and to light a world![1]
As a result of this dictation, Pallas Athena, Saint Germain and El Morya sent the messenger and their chelas throughout the world to bring the truth of the message of the ascended masters.
► Main article: Temple of Truth
Pallas Athena ministers to mankind from the Temple of Truth above the Island of Crete. Serving directly under Vesta, the Sun Goddess, she focuses the truth of God’s love to the earth. She also works with Hilarion, the chohan of the fifth ray, and other healing and green-ray masters.
Souls come to the Temple of Truth in their finer bodies at night (during sleep) to be instructed in the fine points of cosmic law, the science of healing, mathematics, music, divine geometry and the laws of alchemy and precipitation. Many who come to society today with ingenious ways of opening the doors of higher understanding in these fields have studied under the masters in this retreat.
Whenever you are engaged in a service to the ascended masters, call to Pallas Athena and her legions of Truth to go before you, to be the bearer of the mighty sword of Truth for the binding of the force of anti-truth or Antichrist.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Pallas Athena.”
- ↑ Pallas Athena, “America: Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 17, April 29, 2001.