O Ser Sem Nome Vindo do Grande Sol Central

Em 1991, um ser conhecido apenas como O Ser Sem Nome Vindo do Grande Sol Central transmitiu um ditado no qual disse:
Do Grande Sol Central eu, O Ser Sem Nome, falo aos meus amados. Abri os canais de luz. Sou O Ser Sem Nome, pois se vos desse um nome, amados, dar-vos-ia acesso ao meu corpo causal. O povo da Terra ainda não está preparado para acessá-lo. Falo com profundo amor pelo vosso ser que já foi livre em Deus, como eu sou, mas que agora observa tudo pelas janelas de um eu limitado.
The greater weight of my being is always in the Central Sun, but the extension of myself to levels of contact with certain among humanity has been the grant that I have known for many, many grand ages....
I have already been a part of you before you have known that I have existed, and I am aware of the dilemma of being, of knowing what is to be done and yet not having the strength to do it or the wholeness or the resources or the time or the space. Yes, there are many excuses, legitimate and otherwise, in this octave. But, beloved, that which is missing that should provide the answer to all of these lacks is the sacred fire pulsating.
This great being said that he was placing a seed of light in the crown chakra of “those who will accomplish the path of the mystical union with God in this flesh they now wear.” He asked that we embody the name of a virtue and said:
May the name of that virtue become the label on the seed that I have placed that might grow in the crown chakra if you nurture it. May you strive to become the God-identification, the God-embodiment of that virtue. And may you be so, that when you graduate from earth you may be acknowledged for your attainment upon that single virtue. Meditate a moment now and see the title of a single virtue that does descend upon your crown chakra with the seed of light.[1]
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Nameless One from out the Great Central Sun.”
- ↑ The Nameless One from out the Great Central Sun, “The Dilemma of Being,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 37, July 28, 1991.