Serápis Bey

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Serapis Bey with an initiate, with the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and the King's Chamber
Serápis Bey e um iniciado

Serápis Bey é o chohan do quarto raio, o hierarca do Templo da Ascensão, em Luxor, e o décimo-terceiro membro do Conselho de Adeptos do Templo da Ascensão. Ele também é conhecido pelo nome de Serapis Soleil, Serápis do Sol.

O quarto raio é o raio da chama da ascensão, a luz branca da Mãe no chakra da base. Desta luz derivam a arquitetura, os princípios matemáticos e as fundações para construir o Templo da Matéria e a pirâmide do Ser. Na presença de Serápis, temos uma concepção totalmente diferente daquele a quem chamamos o Cristo – o ser real em todos nós.


Conhecido como o Grande Disciplinador, Serápis veio de Vênus com o Ancião de Dias para reacender o fogo sagrado no coração de uma humanidade instável. O seu grande entusiasmo para reivindicar os filhos do homem, como reis e sacerdotes de Deus aumentou e elevou-se como uma chama de vontade férrea, determinação e disciplina.

Sumo-sacerdote no Templo da Ascensão

Na Atlântida, Serápis foi sacerdote do Templo da Ascensão e, na qualidade de guardião da chama da ascensão, transportou-a em segurança pelo rio Nilo, até Luxor, pouco antes de a Atlântida afundar. Com suas próprias palavras ele dá-nos uma ideia do que foi essa experiência:

Lembro-me bem quando começaram os primeiros estrondos

que precederam o afundamento da Atlântida. Como sabeis, o afundamento

daquele continente ocorreu em etapas. Pela graça de Deus, o alerta permitiu que muitos escapassem. Seguimos, então, para Luxor.

Podeis perguntar por que uma chama espiritual precisa ser transportada por meros mortais. Essa é a tendência que as crianças da luz têm de pensar que essas coisas devem acontecer de maneira mágica e milagrosa. Talvez um toque de contos de fadas tenha se imiscuído na religião e fez esquecer as pessoas que tudo o que foi feito por Deus e pelo homem é o trabalho e o esforço conjunto, no alto e embaixo.

Vou dizer-vos porque isso acontece – é por que o único lugar onde a chama pode habitar verdadeiramente, além do altar que lhe é dedicado, é no coração ardente do adepto vivente”.[1]

Serápis e os irmãos que o acompanhavam construíram o Templo da Ascensão, no Egito, e ali guardaram a chama, alternando responsabilidades, pois continuaram a reencarnar especificamente com esse objetivo.

Serápis Bey continuou a reencarnar na terra do Nilo, postergando a sua ascensão, até mais ou menos 400 a.C. Nessas vidas, patrocinou alguns dos maiores feitos arquitetônicos já vistos na face da Terra.

Arquiteto da Grande Pirâmide

A Grande Pirâmide

Serapis foi o arquiteto da Grande Pirâmide e El Morya o mestre-de-obras. Nas pedras da Grande Pirâmide estão entalhados os registros da senda da iniciação pela qual a alma, começando na Matéria, na base da pirâmide e nos quatro lados – se eleva do centro da pirâmide para o topo. A elevação da chama é a meditação na luz branca que percorre o corpo físico, da base da espinha até à coroa.

Jesus e El Morya explicam que: “A construção da pirâmide do Eu é feita interiormente, mas a equação exterior deve submeter-se, dar frutos e o exemplo para que outros possam seguir-vos no caminho para o coração da Esfinge – para o coração do Guru vivente, que a Esfinge representa, e para o núcleo da chama na Grande Pirâmide, que está na oitava etérica (e não na pirâmide de Gizé, que é o remanescente do seu anterior foco e função, devido ao abuso da sua energia por magos negros, falsos gurus e falsos chelas)”.[2]

Amenhotep III

Cabeça de Amenhotep III, Museu Britânico

Serápis encarnou como o faraó egípcio Amenhotep III, que reinou entre c. 1417 a 1379 a.C., filho de Tutmés IV e bisneto de Tutmés III, uma encarnação de Kuthumi. Seu filho e sucessor foi Amenhotep IV, mais tarde conhecido como Akhenaton. No reinado de Serápis, o Egito atingiu o auge da prosperidade, da paz e do esplendor que eram manifestações diretas da sua comunhão com a chama do coração e com os mestres ascensos, remontando ao Ancião de Dias.

Amenhotep III era considerado o maior governante da Terra e, na maior parte do seu reinado, manteve relações diplomáticas pacíficas com todas as nações. Parte dos seus tesouros foi usada na construção de templos e palácios magníficos. Ele expandiu o Templo de Karnak e construiu uma necrópole enorme, cujas ruínas são conhecidas hoje como Colossos, as estátuas monolíticas sentadas, descobertas nas margens do rio. Com elas ele tentou representar a ordem hierárquica dos iniciados, mestres ascensos e reis filósofos que viveram na Terra em antigas eras de ouro.

A sua maior construção foi o templo de Luxor, parcialmente intacto, ainda hoje. A geometria e o projeto do Templo encarnam a representação física da lei esotérica que, por gerações, foi transmitida pelos sacerdotes. Ele mantém-se como um livro completo de ciência, arte e filosofia avançadas. O templo de Luxor é a contrapartida do templo da Ascensão, um retiro etérico.


Artígo principal: [[Special:MyLanguage/Termópilas|{{{2}}}]]

Leônidas nas Termópilas, Jacques-Louis David (1814)

Serápis também encarnou como Leônidas, rei de Esparta, que morreu em 480 a.C. Leônidas comandou os gregos na heroica resistência à tremenda invasão dos persas, pelo estreito das Termópilas, porta de entrada para a Grécia central.

Embora os persas estivessem em número muito superior, Leônidas resistiu durante dois dias ao avanço do exército inimigo, comandado pelo rei Xerxes. No terceiro dia, quando os persas se aproximaram da retaguarda e não havia reforços à vista, Leônidas dispersou a maior parte da tropa. Auxiliado pelos aliados gregos restantes, Leônidas e trezentos membros da sua guarda real espartana lutaram até o último homem. A resistência heroica deu à armada grega a oportunidade de se retirar rapidamente e, mais tarde, derrotar os persas. O exemplo de Leônidas ajudou a manter acesa a centelha de identidade da nação grega.

Os historiadores apontam essa batalha como o maior exemplo de coragem e destemor na luta por uma causa, apesar das possibilidades desfavoráveis. Os registros akáshicos revelam que os trezentos espartanos eram chelas de Luxor que haviam encarnado com Serápis. Eram homens extraordinários. Atualmente, alguns são mestres ascensos, outros continuam encarnados.

À época, tratava-se de uma guerra física contra todas as possibilidades físicas. Hoje, temos a batalha de Armagedom, travada contra a maldade espiritual no alto escalão da Igreja e do Estado – a mente de Deus consumindo a anti-mente, o Eu maior consumindo o eu irreal.


Fídias Mostra a Friza do Partenon a seus Amigos, Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1868)

Serapis Bey was embodied as the sculptor Phidias during the fifth century B.C. in Athens. He was regarded as the greatest of all the Greek sculptors. He was the architect of the Parthenon, supervising its exquisitely masterful construction. Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth.

Standing in the Parthenon, one stands in the presence of a piece of architecture that is designed by an individual who knows how to use form, symmetry, geometry, angles for the housing of a flame. The forcefield of the Parthenon does contain an essential flame, as do the Temple of Luxor and the Great Pyramid.

Phidias also created a huge statue of Zeus out of gold and ivory that stood in the temple of Olympia. He was also a painter, engraver and master of metalwork. His art is characterized by its exalted beauty and spirituality, and he lived as the ultimate personification of the golden age of Grecian master artists who had an enduring influence on all subsequent Western art.

As far as we know, Serapis Bey ascended about 400 B.C.

Worship in Egypt

Marble bust of Serapis, Carthage (early 3rd century A.D.)

In the Hellenistic age, from 323 to 31 B.C., Serapis became one of the most important gods of the Egyptian and Greco-Roman pantheons. He was revered as the patron of the Ptolemaic kings of Egypt and as the founding deity of the great city of Alexandria. There are numerous historical records of the intimate contact of Serapis with men throughout Egypt and Asia Minor, and there are over 1,080 statues, temples and monuments dedicated to Serapis Bey that were erected during that era.

Demetrius of Phalarum, the founder of the Alexandrian library under Ptolemy I, was miraculously cured of blindness by Serapis and wrote hymns of thanksgiving. Serapis often spoke through oracles and gave counsel as well as personal, miraculous healings to many people. There is a famous historical account involving Serapis that marked an important era in the establishment of him as the most prominent deity of Egypt and Greece. King Ptolemy I, ruler of Egypt, was visited in a dream by Serapis, who commanded the king to bring the god’s statue to Alexandria. After vacillation and a second dream with Serapis, the king had the statue brought with the blessings of the Delphic Oracle and installed it in the Serapium, or great Temple, of Alexandria. This is the temple that contained the famous Alexandrian library of three hundred thousand volumes.

Many epithets are ascribed to Serapis, including “Father,” “Saviour” and “the greatest of the deities.” He was regarded as the sponsor of intimate contact between the gods and mortals. Serapis is regarded in the annals of the esoteric tradition as the hierophant of the secret Egyptian initiatory rites. The lesser mysteries were dedicated to Isis and intended for the layman; the greater mysteries were dedicated to Serapis and Osiris and transmitted only to initiated priests who underwent severe rites of trial and initiation in the temple of Serapis.

Over a period of six to seven hundred years, Serapis became the supreme deity of Egypt and Greece. However, in the late fourth century A.D., the emperor Theodosius issued edicts against polytheism, and Christians took this as license to attack pagans, including the adherents of mystery religions. The Christian Bishop of Alexandria provoked mobs to destroy the great symbol of paganism in Alexandria, the mystery temple of the god Serapis. They hacked apart the huge statue of Serapis, which had inspired worshipers for six hundred years. The mob destroyed at least one of Alexandria’s great libraries.

Work with the Theosophical Society

Serapis Soleil

Serapis Bey played a vital role in the initial thrust and direction of the endeavors of the Brotherhood during the nineteenth century. Among the earliest letters from the adepts and masters to the founders of the Theosophical Society were those of Serapis Bey and the Brotherhood of Luxor.

Serapis took personal charge of the direction and chelaship of the amanuensis Helena Blavatsky and of Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, who was the co-founder and the president of the Theosophical Society. During the six months preceding the formation of the society in 1875, Serapis sent many letters of encouragement and instruction to Colonel Olcott. The letters were written mostly on thick green parchment in gold ink, signed by Serapis in script, and inscribed with an esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of Luxor.

It is characteristic of the letters written to Henry Olcott that he continually gave the exhortation to him, “Try.” The master Serapis stressed the need for courage and fearlessness, the same strong traits he outpictured as Leonidas.

Serapis’ mission today

The ascended master Serapis Bey today occupies a very key position among the seven chohans. The fourth ray is midpoint between three on one side and three on the other. The center figure of four is key because it is the merging of the white light and the nexus of the figure-eight flow of energy. This point of the Mother flame is always embodied in the guru East or West, the person of the Mother in Sanat Kumara who moves in and among us by that white light.

The white light is the sacred fire of creation, and its perversion becomes black magic. This was seen in Egypt, the focal point of the ascension flame, as the practice of black magic by the Egyptian Black Brotherhood that went on for centuries upon centuries in defiance of the very presence of Serapis Bey within his temple.

The point of redemption of earth goes back to Lemuria, the Motherland and the Mother flame itself. Earth has a tremendous karma with the Mother flame and in the perversions of the Mother flame that took place on Lemuria, in the area of where San Francisco is now located and off the coast of California. The perversions of the Mother light opened the way for the desecration of the temples, the fall of the priests and priestesses, ultimately ending in misuse of the sexual energies and perversions of the life force. The final act was the murder of the highest representative of the Mother on Lemuria. The real cause of the sinking of Lemuria was the desecration of the person of the Mother and her flame.

Since that hour, earth has been slowly coming to the age of Aquarius when once again the light of the Mother could be raised up in all, both male and female, bringing about once again the honoring of the woman and of the Mother and a reunion of the Mother, the light rising from the base, with the light of the Father that descends out of the I AM Presence. The next two thousand years is destined to see the raising up of consciousness such as has not occurred since the golden ages of Lemuria.

The path of the ascension is the resolution of those forces that are necessary within our consciousness—Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit as the four pillars of the temple within us. Gautama Buddha’s great lesson was that all suffering is caused by being out of alignment with the inner light through wrong desire. Serapis Bey teaches us how to get into alignment with the inner will of Being. His teachings become the keystone in the arch of hierarchy. Without the white light, we cannot enjoy the integration of selfhood.

Serapis Bey, then, becomes a very important key at a time when there are so many problems in society. The increase in crime, murder, rape, drugs, and so forth is the sign of the coming of the Mother light, rising from the altars of Lemuria. The rising light becomes so intense that, unless we dive into it and become a part of it, it becomes the rock that Jesus spoke of—unless we fall upon that rock and allow our misconceptions to be broken, it breaks us.[3]

It is the light that resolves identity, but is also the light that is so powerful that it can destroy the false identity that rebels against it. At the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the world is in rebellion against the light of God, and yet the world is seeking God. The teaching of Serapis Bey and the mysteries of the Brotherhood of Luxor contain the answers that can resolve these questions.

Serapis Bey has legions of seraphim in his command. He has great attainment in divine geometry and design. He assists his disciples in the self-disciplines that are necessary for the ascension: the discipline of the four lower bodies in order that the Christ may appear and use them as vehicles for service and attainment in the world of form; the disciplining of past momentums of negative spirals and of human creation that would stand in the way of the ascension flame forming within the heart of everyone evolving upon the planet through the acceleration of the threefold flame.

The path of the ascension

His book Dossier on the Ascension is a textbook on the path of the ascension. It contains teachings from the classes he conducts at the Ascension Temple, and through it, you can have anchored in your conscious mind that which you learn at the Ascension Temple at Luxor while your body sleeps at night. He outlines the requirements of the ascension and provides a thorough explanation and instruction on the process of the ascension.

Serapis describes what happens during the ritual of the ascension:

It is true, although the form of an individual may show signs of age prior to his ascension, that all of this will change and the physical appearance of the individual will be transformed into the glorified body. The individual ascends, then, not in an earthly body but in a glorified spiritual body into which the physical form is changed on the instant by total immersion in the great God flame.

Thus, man’s consciousness of the physical body ceases and he achieves a state of weightlessness. This resurrection takes place as the great God flame envelops the shell of human creation that remains and transmutes, in a pattern of cosmic grids, all of the cell patterns of the individual—the bony structure, the blood vessels and all bodily processes, which go through a great metamorphosis.

The blood in the veins changes to liquid golden light; the throat chakra glows with an intense blue-white light; the spiritual eye in the center of the forehead becomes an elongated God flame rising upward; the garments of the individual are completely consumed, and he takes on the appearance of being clothed in a white robe—the seamless garment of the Christ. Sometimes the long hair of the Higher Mental Body [the Holy Christ Self] appears as pure gold on the ascending one; then again, eyes of any color may become a beautiful electric blue or a pale violet....

Lighter and lighter grows the physical form, and with the weightlessness of helium the body begins to rise into the atmosphere, the gravitational pull being loosened and the form enveloped by the light of the externalized glory which man knew with the Father “in the beginning” before the world was....

These changes are permanent, and the ascended one is able to take his light body with him wherever he wishes, or he may travel without the glorified spiritual body. Ascended beings can and occasionally do appear upon earth as ordinary mortals, putting on physical garments resembling the people of earth and moving among them for cosmic purposes. This Saint Germain did after his ascension when he was known as the Wonderman of Europe. Such an activity is a matter of dispensation received from the Karmic Board.[4]

(Generally, however, ascended beings do not return to the physical plane unless there is some specific service requiring this change in vibratory rate.)

Serapis tells us, “You ascend daily.” Our thoughts, our feelings, our daily deeds are all weighed in the balance. We do not ascend all at once, but by increments as we pass our tests and win our individual victories. The entire record of all our past lives and momentums of both good and evil must be counted; and then, when we have brought at least 51 percent of all the energy that has ever been allotted to us into balance with the purity and harmony of the Great God Self, we may be offered the gift of the ascension. The remaining 49 percent must be transmuted, or purified, from the ascended octaves through service to earth and her evolutions.[5]

Serapis Bey, the chohan of the ascension flame and hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, speaks to each one of us:

The future is what you make it, even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it, and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of the ascension flame.[6]

Guiseppe Verdi captured the music of the ascension flame in the “Triumphal March” from Aïda. The keynote of the Ascension Temple is “Liebestraum,” by Franz Liszt, and the radiance of the Electronic Presence of Serapis Bey and his twin flame pour through the aria “Celeste Aïda.”

See also

Ascension Temple.

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays.

Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Serapis Bey.”

  1. Serápis Bey, The Mobilization of Spiritual Forces (A Mobilização de Forças Espirituais), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 25, n° 60.
  2. 445. Jesus e El Morya, The Order of the Good Samaritan (A Ordem do Bom Samaritano), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 27, n° 52, 28 de outubro de 1984.
  3. Matt. 21:44; Luke 20:18.
  4. Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension, pp. 158, 176–77.
  5. In addition to balancing 51 percent of one’s karma, the requirements for the ascension are to balance the threefold flame, align the four lower bodies, attain a certain mastery on all seven rays, achieve a degree of mastery over outer conditions, fulfill one’s divine plan, transmute the electronic belt, and raise the Kundalini.
  6. Ibid., p. 89.