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Prayer and fasting have come down to us through the prophets and saints of all ages and are a part of every major religion worldwide. Fasting as a ritual of purification has always reflected the desire to withdraw from involvement in worldly things and to clear the body and the senses for communion with the inner light.

Fasting is the oldest, safest, and most effective method known to man for rejuvenation of the body, the mind, and the spirit. Even Mother Nature herself is well known to prescribe a forced fast—sickness—when she needs a little time to rectify imbalances in the system. Fasting is a habit which the physical body and the body elemental take to with delight.

How to fast

Many students of the ascended masters fast weekly on Saturday, using the violet flame, physical exercise and internal cleansing to give the physical body its Sabbath rest. Several days before the sun-sign change and the new moon each month are also auspicious times for prayer and fasting. The ten days before the solstices and equinoxes are the high marks for self-emptying in preparation for the infilling, invigorating Light released from the Great Central Sun on these four occasions.

The goal of this ritual of fasting is for spiritual purification—the self-emptying, that the Holy Spirit may enter in. Many have discovered healthful side benefits, such as weight normalization, detoxification, mental clarity, and physical inner peace. Because of past diets people have been on, initial reactions to fasting may vary from severe to mild to none at all. El Morya’s advice is: Go easy, be well informed, proceed with caution, know when to stop.

Some additional recommendations concerning fasting: Never fast if you are pregnant or a nursing mother. If you have a medical or mental health condition, consult your doctor before fasting. Fasting for more than three days is not recommended unless you consult a health professional. If you feel lightheaded or disoriented or if you become ill while fasting, stop your fast and gradually return to solid foods.

The body eliminates toxins through the intestines, the skin, the lungs and the kidneys. You can increase the effectiveness of your fast by stimulating elimination through these avenues of cleansing. To aid elimination through the skin, brush your skin with a dry natural fiber brush. This will remove toxins and old layers of skin that clog the pores. Brushing also increases the action of the lymphatic system, which carries waste from the cells into the blood. The blood then delivers the waste to the kidneys, where it is converted to urine and deposited in the bladder.

To increase elimination through the lungs, breathe deeply and rhythmically, preferably outdoors, in the fresh air and sunshine. Give Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise daily. To support the kidneys, drink calendula or dandelion leaf tea. Moderate exercise three times a day and a sauna or steam bath once a day for fifteen to twenty minutes will invigorate the mind and purify the body. When you come off a fast, a mild enema or colonic may be beneficial.


The Coming Revolution magazine, spring 1983 issue.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 24.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 19.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 40, no. 2.