Hermanos y Hermanas de la Túnica Dorada
Orden de seres ascendidos y no ascendidos dedicados a la iluminación de la humanidad con la llama de la sabiduría, encabezada por el Maestro Ascendido Kutumi, con retiros en el plano etérico en Shigatsé y Cachemira.

El propósito de la orden de los Hermanos de la Túnica Dorada es transmitir iluminación a la humanidad (acción iluminada). La acción iluminada fusionada con el ritual de la libertad da por resultado el sexto rayo de la ministración y servicio. Los hermanos y hermanas de la túnica dorada están destinados a ser los maestros de la humanidad. Es una orden de devotos que se ocupa de llevar en sus auras la sabiduría de las eras para impartirla a los profesores y a todos los que quieran escuchar. En su retiro sobre Cachemira, hay una biblioteca que contiene todos los libros sobre los misterios sagrados: ciencia, cultura y las enseñanzas de la sabiduría de las eras.
Portar la túnica dorada de los Hermanos de la Túnica Dorada es una gran oportunidad y un gran privilegio. Para ser digno de usar esa túnica, debes acumular un impulso de iluminación, de rayo de sabiduría en tu aura. Aumentarás el rayo de la sabiduría al incrementar la acción del ojo omnividente, puesto que es el chakra del rayo esmeralda, que está compuesto por la voluntad de Dios donde la iluminación sale disparada: el azul y amarillo forman el rayo verde.
Limpiar el tercer ojo limpia otro recipiente para que las energías de la Madre Divina se eleven desde la base de la columna. Finalmente se llega a la limpieza del chakra de la coronilla. Si alguno de los chakras debajo de la coronilla está sucio, bloqueado, obstruido con energía, cuando se intente elevar la energía de la Madre, estará bloqueado o se mal calificará. Entonces nuestro objetivo es elevar nuestra energía a través de los siete chakras paso a paso, manteniendo limpia la perla de la Madre Divina hasta que alcance la corona de la iluminación.
Summit University
Saint Germain ha explicado que el entrenamiento en las primeras doce sesiones de Summit University preparaba a los estudiantes para entrar a la orden:
Así pues, el Señor del Mundo envía a sus legiones de ángeles con la túnica de terciopelo dorado que ha colocado ahora sobre cada uno de vosotros como la marca de que habéis pasado por estos muros y os habéis quedado hasta el final, hasta la conclusión, hasta la hora de la victoria. Esa túnica dorada os hace elegibles para ser miembros de la Order de la Túnica Dorada bajo la dirección de Kuthumi.[1]
El rayo de la sabiduría
La iluminación y el rayo de la sabiduría no es de ninguna manera un rayo frágil. Con la autoridad de la Divinidad es penetrante y con la autoridad de la mente de Cristo. La limpieza del aura con la llama violeta y con las energías de la voluntad de Dios abre el camino para el crecimiento del manantial de la iluminación y el amor en el corazón; y sin esa limpieza, la llama trina no puede expandirse. Lo mismo ocurre con el uso del rayo azul y el violeta. Sin embargo, también necesitamos acelerar la acción del rayo de sabiduría y acelerar las energías concentradas del cristal de la mente de Dios.
Cuando vuestra aura se satura con el fuego de la sabiduría, se precipita como una túnica dorada, y la túnica dorada es el inevitable florecimiento de vuestro propio logro interior. Por lo tanto, obtenéis la membresía en la Orden de la Túnica Dorada por la acción de vuestra propia aura. Solo aquellos que tienen un aura sobrecargada de sabiduría pueden contarse como Hermanos y Hermanas de la Túnica Dorada.
The disciplines of the order
Kuthumi speaks of the disciplines of the members of this order:
I tell you, beloved, [when you come to] my retreat you will find brothers and sisters of the Golden Robe walking up and down the great halls, the courtyards and the pathways with book in hand reciting their prayers or going over the scriptural teachings of East and West. They review, beloved, what we have dictated through the messengers, that which is published and that which is not; for we do have a complete library.
And by studying [what has been given to students in embodiment in this century], they come to understand what Hierarchy perceives to be the needs of the lightbearers of earth and [especially of] those desiring to enter in [to an earnest discipleship under the World Teachers]. Thus they know what they must know and what they must emphasize in their own study in order to be able to assist those souls who come our way every day for assistance and training and a further acceleration on the Path.
You see, beloved, to these brothers and sisters of the Golden Robe there are no idle thoughts or words or moments or feelings; for they are looking straight to the goal of becoming bodhisattvas under Maitreya and rising to the twelfth plane. May you also know that the key to the second ray is the continual internalization of the Word and the Work, the Alpha, the Omega, of the Cosmic Christ. It is the continual eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood of the Son of God that [these brothers and sisters] might have life and more life and more life [in them] until by the process of assimilation they are all of that oneness in Christ.[2]
Ruth Jones
In 1976 Kuthumi explained that Keeper of the Flame Ruth Jones was a member of the order:
For I proclaim to you this day the ascension of a Keeper of the Flame who has served among you as a Sister of the Golden Robe. She has come with wisdom and with instruction and with a gentle caring for the children of God. I proclaim to you the first ascension of 1976, the ascension of the Keeper of the Flame Ruth O. Jones, who has lived and served with the messengers at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral for nearly a decade, whom God so loved that he placed her upon the cross to suffer there awhile with Jesus that he might take her down from the cross and raise her up with the Immortal One.
On January 3, 1976, at 5:00 p.m., this daughter of the Most High was raised by the grace of God in the current of the ascension flame. By consciously, willingly putting off the old man in time and space, she put on the new and exchanged the body terrestrial for the body celestial. Bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things, she overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony of the saints.
I transfer by the authority of her own ascended presence the ray of her mantle, the momentum of her dedication, to every Keeper of the Flame and every soul who will read this announcement and who will believe in Christ, in the ascension of her soul, and in the possibility of the ascension of his own soul. And the ray of her heart is filled with gratitude for the messengers and the masters who cleared the way for her homecoming. She stands with the immortals to pass on to souls climbing the highest mountain the techniques of self-mastery and of overcoming.[3]
Openings in the order
Kuthumi extends an invitation to join the order:
I am known as a Master of peace, but I prefer to be called simply a brother of the Golden Robe. That holy order which was founded long ago by one who saw true knowledge as the peace that passeth understanding[4] still functions today; and we count among our band Ascended Ones who have espoused the golden flame of illumination as a means of imparting peace to mankind as well as those unascended brothers and sisters who desire to become the peaceful presence of His wisdom to all mankind.
We are looking for recruits. Therefore I write to you to apprise you of the fact that there are openings in our chambers, in our libraries, and in our retreats—openings for those who diligently call and are willing to be the allness of the All to hearts hungry for the Flame, never chary. Yes, we have openings for those who are not chary in their use of the Flame as they call with a mighty fervor upon His name.[5]
See also
Cathedral of Nature (Kuthumi’s retreat in Kashmir)
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 16, 1975.
- ↑ Saint Germain, 22 de marzo de 1975.
- ↑ Kuthumi, “The ‘Second Coming’ of the Saints,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 61.
- ↑ Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe, “Keepers of the Flame Are Ascending Day by Day,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19, no. 3, January 18, 1976.
- ↑ Phil. 4:7.
- ↑ Kuthumi, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16, no. 11, March 18, 1973. Also published in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Temple Doors, chapter 2.