Afirmaciones Transfiguradoras de Jesucristo

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Los siete chakras

The “Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ” are mantras for the attainment of the Christ consciousness. They were dictated by Jesus the Christ through the messenger Mark L. Prophet just as the master taught them to his inner circle of disciples.

As you give these affirmations aloud, there is the release of the flow of energy from your heart chakra, from the very heart center that is the seat of the threefold flame of Life. There is also the flow of the throat chakra in the power of the spoken Word setting the blueprint of your self-mastery. There is the flow of the all-seeing eye, the third-eye chakra, which we use to visualize the perfection of God and its precipitation in man. There is the flow of Light through the crown of life, the point of the lotus of the Buddhic consciousness. There is the flow of peace through the solar plexus. There is the flow of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, and finally there is the flow of the Mother in the base-of-the-spine chakra. All of the chakras in your being are points for your realization of levels of God awareness.

How God conceives of himself is how God expresses himself in you, and how God expresses himself in you depends on your releasing of the flow of Light. It’s like opening the windows for fresh air—opening the windows of the soul so that the Light of Alpha and Omega can flow. This is why in the East, meditation on the breath—the sacred fire breath, the in-breathing and the out-breathing—is so important.

El flujo del aliento durante la pronunciación del mantra también es una emisión de energías pránicas hacia el interior de los chakras y desde los chakras hacia el exterior. Los c]]hakras sirven para recibir las energías vitales de la Madre como [[prana, como esencia del Espíritu Santo, y sirven para dar Luz espiritual, las energías de la creación que provienen de Alfa. El dar y recibir las energías de forma simultánea que realizan los chakras teje un patrón como si fuera una cesta, el efecto del movimiento de la energía en sentido de las agujas del reloj y en sentido contrario.

Cuando pronuncies estos mantras, respira profundamente con el diafragma y siente tu aliento como el aliento de fuego; después siente como si esas siete ventanas de expresión de Dios en ti estuvieran abiertas. Estarás emitiendo alabanzas a Dios a través de los siete centros de percepción Divina. En vez de la idea habitual de que hablamos por la boca, habla por todos los chakras con el acorde de los siete tonos de la conciencia de Dios.

Transfiguring Affirmations
of Jesus the Christ
I AM the Open Door which no man can shut
I AM the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world
I AM the Way
I AM the Truth
I AM the Life
I AM the Resurrection
I AM the Ascension in the Light
I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements of the hour
I AM abundant Supply poured out upon all Life
I AM perfect Sight and Hearing
I AM the manifest Perfection of being
I AM the illimitable Light of God made manifest everywhere
I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies
I AM a Son of God
I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Attainment.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary’s Message for a New Day.