Ангел Космического Креста Белого Огня

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Ангелы Космического Креста Белого Огня

Ангел Космического Креста Белого Огня является представителем легионов ангелов космического креста белого огня – «бесчисленного множества ангелов, служащих сыновьям и дочерям Бога в час распятия». В диктовке в 1980 году он объяснил, что вместе со своими легионами пришел на планету, чтобы помочь пройти посвящение тем ста сорока четырем тысячам светоносцев, что явились на Землю вместе с Санатом Кумарой.

Not since the hour of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ have we entered earth’s domain to deliver unto the sons of God the fullness of this initiation.... Lo, we are come for the preparation of your soul in the consummate union with your own Christ Self.... Lo, we come to amplify the path of the cross, the path of the Sacred Heart. Lo, we are come to multiply by the power of the one hundred and forty and four thousand the original God-victory of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.... Legions in the order of this cosmic cross have come to earth, will remain in the earth, will tarry unto the victory of the hundred and forty and four thousand.[1]

In 1997, angels of the cosmic cross of white fire and the ruby ray came to help us internalize the flame of the white fire and the ruby ray. They work with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray to fill the cups of our cells and molecules with ruby-ray essence, especially for the healing of the heart. They intensify the fire of being and give instruction on mercy and forgiveness.

The joy of forgiveness liberates from sin, disease and death as well as the evils of the underworld. These angels say:

You would do well to think of your past, present and future as you meditate and ask yourself, “Is there someone whom I have wronged from whom I have not asked for forgiveness?” If so, approach that one,... even if your concern is just a little thing, embrace that one and say: “I will not defile your being, your God or your heart flame again. This, my friend, I vow to you. Please forgive me and let us walk on the road of life together.”[2]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Angel of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire.”

  1. Angel of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire, “Angels of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire Minister unto the Sons and Daughters of God in the Hour of Their Crucifixion,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 21, May 25, 1980.
  2. Angels of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire and the Ruby Ray, “The Joy of Forgiveness,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 40, no. 37, September 14, 1997.