Free will

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The freedom to create; the option to choose the right- or the left-handed path, Life or Death, the positive or the negative spirals of consciousness.

Having the gift of free will, the soul may choose to dwell in the plane of the relative, where good and evil are relative to one’s perspective in time and space; or she may choose the plane of the Absolute, where Good is real and Evil is unreal and the soul beholds God as living Truth “face-to-face.” Free will means that the individual may accept or reject the divine plan, the laws of God, and the opportunity to live in the consciousness of Love.

God’s gift of free will carries with it a certain span of consciousness known as the life span, a series of embodiments, and the “bounds of man’s habitation.”[1] The soul, therefore, is not only confined to time and space during the period of her experimentation with free will, but she is also limited to a certain number of life cycles. At the end of this opportunity (compartmentalized in days, years, and dimensions), the use that the soul has made of the gift of free will determines her fate.

The soul that has chosen to glorify the Divine Ego (Reality) ascends into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. The soul that has chosen to glorify the human ego (unreality) passes through the second death,[2] her Self-denying consciousness permanently self-canceled; and all of her energies, simultaneously passed through the sacred fire, are returned to the Great Central Sun for repolarization.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

  1. Acts 17:26.
  2. Rev. 20:6, 11–15; 21:8.