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The principle of nonattachment to the fruit of action is basic to Buddhism as a corollary to the teaching of Gautama Buddha in his second of the Four Noble Truths, i.e., the cause of suffering is inordinate desire.

In Gautama Buddha’s Pearls of Wisdom series “Quietly Comes the Buddha,” dictated to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Lord of the World teaches on the virtue of nonattachment:

He that would be great among you,
Let him be the servant of all.
He that is great among you
Is the servant neither of self
Nor of passion’s pall,
Not of desire save the desire to be
The Buddha for humanity,
Not of attachment
Save the attachment to the law of individuality,
Not of self-centeredness save the centering of the self in God....
The tenth perfection of the law
Is the balance between desire and desirelessness.
It is the point of the fusion
Of the active and the passive....
The Perfection of Indifference is the zeal
That determines the quantity of energy
Entrusted to your care.
The three-times-three will be the nine,
The ninety, the nine hundred, the nine thousand,
The nine million, or the nine billion
According to your ability
To show indifference alike
To mockery and to praise,
To pleasure and to pain,
To poverty or riches,
Adulation or indignation.
This is the tenth perfection of the law—
Indifference to the gratitude or ingratitude of mortals,
Indifference to their cursings
Or the garlands of their approbation.[1]

See also

Karma yoga


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 67, October 9, 1988.

  1. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Quietly Comes the Buddha: 25th Anniversary Edition, pp. 46, 128.