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Cannabis es el nombre en latín del género de la familia de plantas del cáñamo a la cual pertenece la marihuana. La especie particular de esta droga que se utiliza popularmente es "cannabis sativa". El químico psicoactivo del cannabis es el delta-9-tetrahidrocannabinol (comúnmente conocido como THC), ésta sustancia es la que produce los efectos tóxicos.

Historia del consumo de marihuana

En China, el uso medicinal de la marihuana está registrado en la herbolaria china desde el año 2737 A.C. Su uso como droga parece haber comenzado en la India alrededor de 1000 A.C.; fue cultivado en los jardines del templo por sacerdotes que lo convirtieron en un líquido llamado bhang, que se usaba en ceremonias religiosas.

Desde India, la marihuana se extendió a Medio Oriente. Dado que la fe musulmana prohíbe específicamente el uso de alcohol, se aceptó la marihuana como sustituto, y su uso “impregnó completamente la cultura islámica en unos pocos siglos”.[1] Debido a la euforia que produjo, los árabes lo describieron como el "portador de alegría", "volador del cielo" y "calmante del dolor".[2]

Según el Dr. Gabriel Nahas, investigador de la marihuana, los mayores efectos del uso generalizado de la marihuana se sintieron en Egipto:

Según el historiador árabe Magrizy, el hachís se introdujo por primera vez en el siglo XIII en un momento en que Egipto florecía cultural, social y económicamente. Primero, la droga fue aceptada y utilizada, principalmente por las clases altas, como una forma de autocomplacencia. Sin embargo, cuando los campesinos adoptaron el hábito, fue como un medio para aliviar la tristeza de su vida diaria.[3]

Se desconoce qué efecto tuvo el hachís en la fuerza y la productividad de la civilización egipcia. Sin embargo, continúa Nahas:

La aparición de productos de cannabis en Medio Oriente coincidió con un largo período de declive, durante el cual Egipto pasó de ser una gran potencia a un estado esclavista agrario, explotado por una serie de circasianos, turcos y gobernantes europeos.

Como suele suceder, el propio declive de la nación provocó un mayor uso de estas sustancias, lo que pudo haber acelerado su caída. El hábito del hachís se hizo tan prevalente entre las masas que algunos sultanes y emires intentaron prohibir su uso, sabían que iban en contra de una práctica en la que participaba un gran porcentaje de la población. En el siglo XIV, Emir Soudouni Schekhouni ordenó que todas las plantas de cannabis fueran arrancadas y destruidas, y que cualquier consumidor fuera condenado a que se le extrajeran todos los dientes sin el beneficio de la anestesia.[4]

Por muy poderoso que fuera aquél incentivo, tuvo poco o ningún efecto sobre el hábito nacional del hachís, porque era una adicción sostenida por la entidad más grotesca (el conglomerado de energía negativa que concentra la conciencia detrás de la droga). La entidad del hachís se engancha a las personas de forma incomparable, provoca que sus víctimas den la vida en su defensa; por lo tanto, se vuelven insensibles, incluso a la defensa de su propia vida.

Napoleón se encontró precisamente con el mismo problema. Después de que los franceses conquistaron Egipto en 1798, un oficial dijo: "La masa de la población masculina está en un perpetuo estado de letargo".[5] Napoleón emitió un decreto que prohibía fumar hachís y marihuana, y beber cualquier bebida que contuviera estas sustancias; este decreto también tuvo poco efecto.

Actualmente, en Egipto existen leyes muy estrictas que prohíben el cultivo, la venta, el transporte, la posesión y el uso de hachís. Habiendo experimentado sus efectos negativos, nadie puede convencer a los egipcios de que la marihuana es menos nociva que el alcohol o el tabaco; por su experiencia de siglos de degradación de su gente y su cultura, saben que esta droga es mucho peor.

En otras naciones, como Marruecos, donde oficialmente la intoxicación por marihuana no se considera un gran problema, los funcionarios de salud pública admiten extraoficialmente en privado que es un riesgo importante para la salud. Nadie admite consumir esta sustancia, porque es ilegal. El Dr. Nahas informó que cuando fue a Marruecos para realizar un estudio sobre el consumo de marihuana, los funcionarios de Rabat, la capital administrativa, le dijeron que el cannabis era un problema grave de salud pública; un miembro del personal de un hospital psiquiátrico le dijo que había una alta incidencia de consumo de marihuana registrada en el historial de los pacientes hospitalizados por enfermedades mentales. Entre los fumadores crónicos, hombres de entre treinta y cuarenta años, hubo un deterioro mental y físico extremo.[6]

El Dr. Nahas encontró que aproximadamente cuarenta por ciento de las admisiones hospitalarias en Marruecos por psicosis aguda estaban relacionadas con el consumo de marihuana. Un alto funcionario del gobierno le dijo: “Ustedes los científicos siempre están tratando de abrir una puerta. Usted viene hasta Marruecos para averiguar si la marihuana es dañina cuando podríamos haberle dicho, 'Sí, por supuesto que lo es', hace mucho tiempo”.[7]

La marihuana en el mundo moderno

El rápido aumento del consumo de marihuana en Estados Unidos es uno de los fenómenos más desconcertantes de nuestro tiempo. En la historia temprana de la nación, la planta de cáñamo se cultivaba ampliamente para la producción de fibra, parece que rara vez se usaba como droga. Sin embargo, en las décadas de 1910 y 1920, una gran afluencia de trabajadores mexicanos introdujo el consumo de marihuana en la nación, y su consumo se popularizó entre los trabajadores negros y mexicanos en Texas y Luisiana.

El consumo de marihuana fue adoptado por los músicos de jazz, creían que el uso de esta droga hacía que su música sonara "más imaginativa y original."[8] La marihuana se introdujo en un segmento más amplio de la población cuando la música jazz se trasladó por el río Mississippi hacia las principales ciudades del norte.

En 1937, el Congreso aprobó la Ley del Impuesto a la Marihuana; esta ley prohibía el cultivo, la importación o la distribución de marihuana sin la aprobación del gobierno, excepto con el propósito de usar los tallos para hacer cuerdas o cordeles y para la producción de semillas en la industria de alimentos para pájaros. Hubo cierta controversia sobre la aprobación de esta legislación. Un científico dijo: “Se han exagerado los peligros de la marihuana para la salud y la estructura social de los Estados Unidos. La teoría de la 'hierba asesina' presentada por la Oficina Federal de Estupefacientes está diseñada sólo para asustar a la gente, no para educarla."[9] Sin embargo el debate duró poco, en parte, porque el problema del consumo de marihuana no estaba muy extendido en ese momento.

Además, al aprobar esta ley, Estados Unidos estaba cumpliendo con las obligaciones internacionales asumidas en 1925, en donde Egipto (que tenía experiencia previa con los efectos destructivos de la marihuana) solicitó en la Conferencia Internacional del Opio, de la que Estados Unidos era participante, que se diera a los productos de cannabis el mismo estatus que a los opiáceos.

La generación beat

En la década de 1950 se produjo un aumento en el uso de la marihuana, ya que fue retomada por la generación ‘’beat’’. Esta generación estuvo influenciada por muchos artistas y poetas que se caracterizaron por un ateísmo abierto, la anarquía y la rebelión contra los valores tradicionales. Charles Baudelaire, uno de los héroes de la generación ‘’beat’’, era miembro del ‘’Club des Haschischins’’ —el Club del Hachís— que se reunía en el elegante Hotel Lauzun, en el Barrio Latino de París. En su libro "Paraísos artificiales", Baudelaire describió "el gusto por el infinito" como la fuerza en el hombre que lo impulsa a entregarse al hachís y otras drogas.

Sin embargo, Baudelaire vio los peligros de las drogas como un medio para esta búsqueda; escribió: “Como todos los placeres solitarios, hace que el individuo sea inútil para los hombres y la sociedad superflua para el individuo. El hachís nunca revela al individuo más de lo que es él mismo. Además, existe un peligro fatal en tales hábitos. Quien recurre al veneno para pensar pronto será incapaz de pensar sin tomar veneno.”[10] Si bien Baudelaire advirtió los efectos del uso de la marihuana, sus descripciones líricas de los efectos eufóricos de la droga inspiraron a muchos en la generación ‘’beat’’ a experimentar con ella.

The “taste for the infinite” that Baudelaire spoke of is the perversion of the hunger of the real soul for the Holy Ghost. Many of those who took up this quest through drugs were the dissatisfied, the discontents. However, discontent is also exactly the quality of the real chela on the Path. The real initiate must be dissatisfied with the way he is and what he is, because that spurs him to find God and to find the ascended masters.

The fallen ones come with a prescription to relieve boredom, the sameness of life. Instead of showing people how to infuse life with creativity and joy, they say, “Take hashish so you can tolerate your boring life and your boring day and go into other places of consciousness.” This is a very key thing. It’s the reason why marijuana is coming at the very moment of the coming of Saint Germain.

The sixties

In the mid-sixties, representatives of the beat generation and what was about to become the hip generation got together, and a political movement based on the use of drugs was conceived and launched. Here the influence of the group fused the nihilism and the anarchy of the beat days with the mind-blowing psychedelic theology of the hip generation.

An entire drug culture with marijuana occupying the place of central importance emerged on the scene. It had religious fervor, religious authority, high priests, gurus, sages, poets. It was present in virtually all aspects of society and all levels of the socio-economic ladder. It had a lobby, several of its own magazines, and enjoyed widespread tolerance and sometimes acceptance by the government. It became a part of the fabric of our literature, our humor and entertainment, our social interaction, and became a unifying element for many people in diverse elements in society.

And while the use of the drug grew, the entire history of what marijuana had done to other societies past and present was largely out of the public’s mind. Here was a generation fond of quoting historian George Santayana’s warning, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”[11] Ironically, a generation that was supposed to be hip, or in the know, was woefully ignorant about the dangers of marijuana.

Even more tragic was the fact that the drug movement had detained many of those who should have been part of the real revolution. The revolution was coming anyway and it couldn’t be stopped. It was a revolution in consciousness—but not of marijuana or any other drug.

Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Jerry Rubin, Baba Ram Dass, et al. were not the gurus of the real revolution, though they may indeed have been the high priests of drugs and high priests of the drug culture of Atlantis. In short, a movement had appeared that was not simply a protest against a tired, old order, but a rebellion against the new order of the Aquarian age.

Effects of marijuana

Marijuana’s immediate effects are intensification of all sensory awareness; alteration of time and space perception; increased pulse and red eyes; intensified hunger, popularly known as the “munchies”; and decreased psychomotor control, so that, for example, driving a car is dangerous. Hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia, sluggish mind and lapse of memory are associated with higher doses but can occur at lower levels of intoxication.

Many people use marijuana because they say it relaxes them and they can enjoy themselves. Considered to be relatively harmless by many today, this concept of the harmlessness of marijuana is part of the drug itself and the entities that perpetuate the drug; this is their influence upon the population—that it is harmless, and that we ought to be free to smoke marijuana if we wish.

As a result, there have been many attempts to legalize the drug, in spite of the proven negative effects on health. Even beyond this are the spiritual effects: the crown chakra, the third eye and the throat are all involved. We find that the clouding of the brain with the substance of marijuana and its chemical derivatives fills the cells of the brain with a substance whereby the light of God cannot be contained within those cells. Cells are cups. Within the cells we actually contain our cosmic consciousness. Where is cosmic consciousness in the body? It is everywhere. It is not simply centered in the heart or the mind or the soul. It is in every chakra and every cell.

The use of marijuana results in the persistent poisoning of the deep centers of the brain necessary for the awareness of pleasure. Thus, it poisons the part of the brain that allows us the full awareness of being alive. As a result of this, many marijuana users have a kind of sensory deprivation, a symptom of marijuana that is the slowest to recede and the one least likely to go away. The inability to experience pleasure to the fullest makes one constantly pursue pleasure because one isn’t quite realizing the full satisfaction of life. And therefore the taking of marijuana involves one in an ever-receding goal of more pleasure, which can no longer be experienced.

Relying on their own personal experiences, marijuana users believe that it is harmless because they perceive no difficulties. They do not perceive the difficulties because their faculties of perception are being destroyed while they use it. And so they have a receding level of the ability to discern within themselves levels of their own God-awareness. Day by day they perceive no harm because marijuana is destroying not only the physical senses but the senses of the soul. This is one of the most subtle dangers of marijuana and most other psychedelic drugs. The user is rendered incapable of detecting the changes in himself.

This is the subtlety of the cult of death. With each joint, the smoker is deprived of a certain essence of life within the cells and the ability to perceive that he has indeed lost just a little bit of the essence of life. Therefore, he can never see himself as he was or as he is, because inherent in the drug is the destruction of the ability to perceive life and that life is waning.

Spiritual effects

Some people to this day justify that God has made everything and whatsoever he has made is for the blessing of his offspring. But God did not make marijuana, opium or any of the drugs that are in use today or the plants from which they are taken. What they do not know is that marijuana and these other drugs were created by the great advancement of Luciferian science on Atlantis and Lemuria.

Marijuana is nothing new. It is an old, old tool of the fallen ones to make the children of light come down to their level. And when they make them come down to their level, then they are in control.

The feminine Elohim of the first ray, Amazonia, explains that marijuana was used long ago by the fallen Amazonian women. These were initiates in the mystery school that was sponsored by her, located in South America. These female initiates failed their tests, left off from being a part of that school and went forth for the destruction of man.[12] They sought to destroy the male, to emasculate him and to destroy his progeny—whether sons or daughters of God.

Amazonia explains that the marijuana entity is a feminine-gender entity. The beginning of the word, ma, shows its misuse of the initiations of Lord Maitreya and of the Mother flame. So the drug itself is the manifestation of women’s hatred of woman, of God as Mother, inflicted upon the male, the man. In the passivity and lethargy induced by the drug we see the intent to destroy the masculine fire of the Kundalini, and this occurs through drugs, misuse of sex, through all forms of intoxicants.

Saint Germain says that the reason the people want marijuana is because they want the Holy Ghost. There is a light and a bliss and an infilling presence in the descent of the Holy Ghost. Those who do not submit to the path of initiation through the living Christ do not have access to the living Holy Ghost. The person of the Holy Ghost is the great initiator, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost are hard-won and are given only to those who have been willing to submit to the rigors of the path of Christhood: purity, honor, integrity, submission to God, the giving of one’s life to him. The getting of the Holy Spirit is an amazing miracle in which you participate.

The fallen ones on Atlantis and Lemuria knew they had been cut off from the Holy Spirit. Therefore they attempted to simulate stimulation and bliss chemically. Even knowing it would destroy them in the process, they nevertheless did this, since they already knew they were self-destroyed by their rebellion against God. They would enjoy the synthetic Holy Ghost, and furthermore, they would not enjoy it alone—they would take the children of God with them in their sweet death.

Marijuana is the perversion of the Mother. It is the death drug. Its presence denotes the presence of the death entity, the suicide entity and the most intense hatred of the Woman and her seed. In chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, Jesus prophesied that the dragon would go forth to make war with the remnant of the Woman’s seed. The Woman gives birth to the Manchild, but the dragon wages war against the Woman’s seed, the children of Light.

“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.... And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.”[13] Marijuana is part of that warfare. And the subtlety is the proclamation everywhere that it is harmless.

The ancient drug conspiracy

Saint Germain reveals that this modern trend to the use of drugs is actually part of a conspiracy that began beyond the dawn of recorded history:

Beloved ones, the story of these drugs—of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and all of the rest of the synthetic, fabricated drugs—is an ancient one. I pinpoint, therefore, the conspiracy of fallen angels known as the Nephilim gods and as the Watchers. I pinpoint their conspiracy to control the populations of the worlds, where they have spawned their experimental creation, their mechanization man. And therefore, in order to control their laboratory experiment, they have used all manner of devices.

Now, therefore, other nefarious powers moving against the evolution of life everywhere have seen fit to use mechanization man, computerized man—plastic man, if you will—as trend-setters, jet-setters climbing after the gods and the fallen angels to tempt, to taunt and to hypnotize the seed of the Ancient of Days, the seed of Christ in embodiment.

Their end is manifold, but it centers on the desire to steal the light of the threefold flame, to draw the lightbearers down into the valleys[14] of the pit itself where they would engage in the practices of darkness. And therefore, there are available fallen angels in embodiment to demonstrate the “way that seemeth right”—to provide the drugs, to direct the processing and to draw mechanization man into the entire conspiracy as they are set up as storefront manikins to be copied by the children of the light....

I come ... so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipulation and a genetic manipulation, and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and the supplying of the people with all manner of stimulants, but with other modes of conspiracy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion over their destiny, to make contact with the octaves of light, or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.[15]

Healing the effects of drugs

We see in the effects of marijuana and other drugs an attack on each of the four lower bodies of man and woman. And along with a temporary sensation of pleasure, there is a long-lasting damage to these bodies. With the taking of psychedelic drugs, there is the shattering of the aura and of the chakras, the tearing of the etheric body, destroying the soul’s sensitivity to the “inner voice” of God within the heart.

Hilarion, the ascended master who is lord of the green ray of healing and truth, and the healing masters tell us that the hope for salvation for those youth who have taken psychedelic drugs lies in the healing ray. For the green flame, when properly used in visualization and fervent calls to the ascended masters and to the angels of healing who minister unto mankind, can actually restore those cells in the brain that have been destroyed. A carefully controlled program of fasting, exercise and proper diet is a necessary adjunct on the physical plane to one’s periods of prayer and meditation. The ladies of heaven stand ready to answer the calls of the youth for wholeness if they will only persist in their invocations and have faith in their eventual healing according to the will of God and as their karma dictates.

Beloved Lady Master Leto, master of science, tells us that all who have partaken of any drugs whatsoever, including alcohol, nicotine and sugar, can be purified of the effects of their use. This healing and purification requires prayer as the invocation of the violet flame, prayer for mercy for departing from God’s covenants, and the saturation of the four lower bodies with the violet flame. This must be accompanied by actual physical fasting: as Jesus said, “This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”[16] It is important to realize that the contamination of the physical temple must be cleansed by both spiritual and material means.

Leto says:

For indeed the sacred fire can heal those cells and those points, those electrodes placed by God within the brain. And therefore it becomes of a paramount necessity that students of the light go forth with this teaching to the youth of the world, to those who realize the folly of their involvements with the psychic and who desire to return to the Path.

These must have an awareness of the sacred fire, for the Lords of Karma have decreed the dispensation this year that any child of God and any sincere one who has been duped by the drug culture might return to the pristine estate that he had when he came into this embodiment by invocation to the sacred fire, to the healing flame and by petitioning for mercy from the Lords of Karma.

For God is not an avenger of his children, and he does not desire to punish them with eternal damnation. This is the lie of the serpentine force. Our God is a consuming fire;[17] he is no respecter of persons nor does he dwell upon the iniquities that have entered the hearts of men, and therefore mercy goeth forth. But how can it be implemented?

You see, precious hearts, it requires contact with the sacred fire to rebuild the cells and atoms and the perfect design of the Christ mind and the layers of manifestation surrounding each of the chakras that have been forced open through this culture.[18]


Excerpted from Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Paths of Light and Darkness, pp. 34–70.

  1. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, Marihuana: A Signal Misunderstanding (1972), primera parte, sección I.
  2. JM Campbell, "On the Religion of Hemp", citando a Makhvan, en " Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report" (Simla, India: 1893-1894), 3: 252.
  3. Gabriel Nahas, ‘’Keep Off the Grass: A Scientist's Documented Account of Marijuana's Destructive Effects (Nueva York: Reader's Digest Press, 1976), págs. 14-15.
  4. Ibid., p. 15.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid., pp. 75–76.
  7. Ibid., p. 75.
  8. Ernest L. Abel, “Marihuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years” (Nueva York: Plenum Pub Corp., 1980), cap. 12.
  9. Nahas, p. 21.
  10. Charles Baudelaire, “El poema del hachís” en “Paraísos artificiales”, cap. 5, citado en Nahas, págs. 17-18.
  11. George Santayana, Reason in Common Sense, vol. 1 of The Life of Reason (1905; reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1980), p. 284.
  12. For the story of this ancient mystery school established by Hercules and Amazonia, see the dictation by Amazonia from April 13, 1979.
  13. Rev. 12:15, 17.
  14. The Second Book of Adam and Eve tells the story of the children of Jared, who were lured down the Holy Mountain of God by the children of Cain, who committed all manner of abominations and serenaded them with sensual music from the valley below. Jared was a descendant of Seth, the son born to Adam and Eve after Cain slew Abel. See “Prologue on the Sons of Jared” (taken from the Second Book of Adam and Eve), in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, pp. 395–407.
  15. Saint Germain, “The Ancient Story of the Drug Conspiracy,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 32, June 10, 1984.
  16. Matt. 17:21.
  17. Heb. 12:29.
  18. Lady Master Leto, January 2, 1972.