Вайвасвата Ману
Вайвасвата Ману и его божественное дополнение являются Ману пятой коренной расы. В качестве Ману они поддерживают архетипный образец для своей коренной расы и покровительствуют всем душам этой эволюции в движении по пути Христобытия. Ману и их божественные дополнения представляют Бога Отца Мать для своих коренных рас. Члены коренной расы воплощаются вместе и обладают уникальной архетипной матрицей, божественным планом и миссией, которую они должны исполнить на Земле.
Eastern teachings
«Вайвасвата» – санскритское слово, означающее «солнцерожденный», то есть рожденный Солнцем, рожденный от Великого Центрального Солнца. В индуистских учениях Вайвасвата известен как поэт, мудрец и гуру. Он также предстает как один из Ману, или божественных законодателей, направляющих жизни людей. Индуисты верят в то, что он является Ману данной эпохи.
В мифологии индуистов Вайвасвата выступает как индийский Ной; различные легенды повествуют о его спасении во время Великого Потопа. Елена Блаватская назвала его «прародителем нашей пятой коренной расы, спасшим ее от потопа, который почти уничтожил четвертую расу». Далее она уточняет, что каждый Ману «непременно является свидетелем одного из катаклизмов (попеременно проявляющихся через огонь или воду), завершающих цикл каждой коренной расы».[1]
In his book The Masters and the Path, C. W. Leadbeater describes Vaivasvata as “a kingly figure,... the tallest of all the Adepts, being six feet eight inches in height, and perfectly proportioned. He is the Representative Man of our race, its prototype, and every member of that race is directly descended from Him. The Manu has a very striking face of great power, with an aquiline nose, a full and flowing brown beard and brown eyes, and a magnificent head of leonine poise.... He is living at present in the Himalaya mountains.”[2]
His service today
Vaivasvata Manu maintains a focus in the Himalayas. The flame focused in his retreat magnetizes the souls evolving within the fifth root race to the pattern of the Christ consciousness that he holds on their behalf. The love of Vaivasvata for his children is so great that once they contact the flame from his heart chalice upon his altar, they are cut free from the impositions of civilization that run contrary to their destiny as members of this root race. His electronic pattern is a complex yet delicate filigree, an antahkarana that surrounds the earth and connects with the heart flames of every member of his family.
The pronunciation of certain vowel tones at a certain pitch attunes the consciousness with the antahkarana (or web of light), and hence into the tremendous God-power of Vaivasvata. Students should make the call to tune into this antahkarana whether or not they are of the fifth root race, for he directs mighty currents that appear as shooting stars across the vast regions of the planet into the hearts of all who will serve with him.
Vaivasvata Manu has said:
Learn this one lesson from a guru who has had hundreds and thousands of victorious chelas: Absolute obedience to the teacher will secure instantaneous mastery. When you think you are alone, separate, misunderstood, maligned, remember Vaivasvata Manu, and call for my pattern to appear. Call for your pattern to appear. And know that I AM in the center of every pattern as the white-fire-core consciousness.
I AM the white-fire-core consciousness of seed and seedling, of oak and redwood, of flower, of star, of birds that sing, of church bells that ring, of the chiming of the clock, the cosmic clock that tells the time of initiation, of victory, of love. As I walk with you each step of the way, it is because I pursue children of the dawn, children of my root race. And thus, from now on, I would speed to you on wings of light the impetus of our light and of our love that you might also release the great homing call of Father-Mother God to our children to “Come home, come home, come home.” I withdraw to the heart of the secret rays, and when you invoke those rays, I shall come forth and place upon you my Electronic Presence to raise you into the pattern of God-identity.[3]
Vaivasvata Manu’s divine complement remains in embodiment to anchor their twin flames in form.
See also
Vaivasvata Manu's retreat in the Himalayas
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, “Vaivasvata Manu.”
- ↑ Helena Blavatsky, Collected Writings, vol. 4: 1882–1883 (Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Press, 1969), pp. 577, 578.
- ↑ C. W. Leadbeater, The Masters and the Path (Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, ca.1959), pp. 40–41.
- ↑ Vaivasvata Manu, “Nurturing the Souls of a Planet,” October 12, 1973.