К-17 — это кодовое имя Вознесенного Владыки, который возглавляет Космическую Секретную Службу. Ее члены — приверженцы Всевидящего Ока Бога. Они используют свое Бого-видение, чтобы предупреждать граждан космоса об опасностях, грозящих индивидуализированному Бого-пла-мени — угрозах жизни и свободе, угрозах правительствам мира и семье, как базовой ячейке общества эпохи Водолея.
Как К-17, так и его сестра были способны поддерживать жизнь в одних физических телах более 300 лет перед своим вознесением в 1930-х годах. Продолжая свою эволюцию и служение воплощенному человечеству, они владеют сейчас виллой в Париже и фокусами в других частях мира для обучения невознесенных чела.
К-17 часто посещает в физическом теле административные офисы правительства США и работает тесно с членами ФБР. Он такой же частый гость в Кремле, хотя его работники не подозревают, кто он есть на самом деле.
The work of the Cosmic Secret Service
Члены Космической Секретной Службы являются защитниками свободы, предначертанной Америке и каждой стране на Земле. По роду своего служения К-17 и его помощники очень близки к физической октаве. Они часто появляются в физической форме, как защитники правильных действий среди хаоса и кризиса, помогая членам различных охранных структур народов мира. Иногда они работают тайно, становясь внешне похожими на тех, в чьи ряды и организации они внедряются.
К-17 объяснял, что его легионы «взяли на себя обязательство быть теми членами иерархии, кто наиболее близок к физической октаве с ее физическими вибрациями... Обо мне говорят, что я чаще появляюсь в правительственных залах и среди руководителей стран, чем любой Вознесенный Владыка. Это оказывается возможным, благодаря диспенсации легионам Космической Секретной Службы, которая позволяет работать в таком тес-ном контакте с человечеством, что люди явственно чувствуют наше присутствие, и поэтому в минуты опасности они освобождаются от страхов, ибо ощущают присутствие небесной помощи, которая всеK-17, «Агенты космического Христа», Жемчужины мудрости, том 17, номер 11 и 12, 17 и 24 марта 1974 г.</ref>
К-17 использует защитное силовое поле, известное как «не-переступи-кольцо», являющееся, по сути, кольцом белого огня, которое может быть окрашено каким-либо из цветов лучей в соответствие с требованиями часа. Он окружает кругом этого живого пламени людей и пространства, чтобы защитить и опечатать идентичность и силовое поле преданных служителей света.
Working with K-17
In 1973, K-17 described the work of his legions and how we can help them. He said:
My legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic consciousness in mankind.... My legions have computers recording all types of information on all types of people, for we must be ready, as we serve with the Keeper of the Scrolls, to provide any ascended master at any time with what you would call a dossier on a lifestream.
The ascended masters use this information to determine a person’s aptitude for a specific job they would assign him.
We do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of hierarchy the persons and conditions, the organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are... a threat to the advancement of the light upon the planet. You know that God is omniscient. But God’s omniscience is manifest through his awareness of himself in man. God uses your hands and feet. He also uses your eyes. And thus it is not out of order for those in embodiment to call to the attention of hierarchy conditions that are in the making and on the drawing boards that require the seal of white fire—the ring-pass-not.
I desire also to acquaint you with the fact that in your service with the legions of K-17, you may don the cloak of invisibility. The cloak of invisibility is a forcefield that can actually render you invisible as you walk in dangerous passages and along the highways in the service of the Brotherhood. But I ask you to remember when you desire to be seen ... to request of your Christ Self that the cloak of invisibility be removed....
There are definitely times, as you will learn from my legions, when it is important to walk the earth incognito. When you realize you are in the camp of the enemy and you are there to gather information and to learn what you can learn for the sake of the light, then you remain in the folds of the cloak of invisibility and your very conscience and soul tell you that silence is golden, that discretion is the better part of valor.[1]
There are many in embodiment who serve with the Cosmic Secret Service. This is because many ascended masters who serve on the councils of the Great White Brotherhood have not been embodied recently. Once they ascend, they are no longer in touch with the world situation and contemporary society in the same measure that they were when they were embodied on earth. While they possess the power of tuning in to mankind, they don’t spend any more of their energy than necessary to accomplish their service.
The unascended branch of the Cosmic Secret Service assembles information on specific cases, writes reports on world situations and offers opinions as to what should be done about certain matters. The reports of the various agents are put together and examined. The masters compare their own views with the suggestions of the unascended agents. In most cases, they pass on the results in concise form to the Karmic Board. The final actions of the Brotherhood are based, then, to some degree, on the intelligence gathered by those in embodiment.
Lanello and K-17
In 1977, Lanello revealed that he had worked with K-17 for many centuries prior to his ascension. These two masters continue to work together, and in 1996 they delivered a report on the world scene requesting that the students give calls to Cyclopea to expose and prevent attacks on the nation of America.
You can apply to be a part of the Cosmic Secret Service, and one way to do this is to write letters to Lanello and K-17. You can write to them nightly and burn the letter. The angels will take that letter to the Royal Teton Retreat, where the Lords of Karma meet, and you can give all kinds of information that you may have awareness of that must be corrected. You can state what the problem is and then offer what part of your service and decrees or any other service you would contribute to the healing of that condition in society or what you may know about as a very major threat to the government of this nation or other nations.
K-17 and the legions in his command should be called upon to expose by the power of the All-Seeing Eye those forces and plots that would undermine Saint Germain’s plan for God-government in the golden age. His flame is teal green and white. He is often simply referred to as “Friend.”
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “K-17.”
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 46, no. 5, February 2, 2001.
- ↑ Ibid.