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The Duke of Chou, an embodiment of Lord Lanto

Chohan of the second ray; an ascended master in whose presence the sublimity of the mind of God can be touched and known. A master of sages and philosophers, Lord Lanto teaches us the path of attainment through enlightenment, definition, and dominion in the crown chakra.

Пройдя обучение у Господа Гималайи и овладев мастерством в Обители Голубого Лотоса, Господь Ланто избрал желтый лепесток, дабы окутать этим пламенем сердца всего человечества. Он посвятил себя совершенство­ванию эволюций этой планеты с помощью золотого пламени озарения Космического Христа, которое он несет, заряжая это пламя своим момен­тумом Бого-победы на благо молодежи мира.


Volunteer with Sanat Kumara

Lanto volunteered with Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, to come to earth long ago for the rescue of the planet and her evolutions. One of the original Keepers of the Flame, he played a role in the earliest efforts of Sanat Kumara to fetch humanity from their darkened descent.

The bands who volunteered to accompany Sanat Kumara on his mission to the dark star sought nothing less than the rekindling of the Divine Spark in mankind who, through de-evolution, had lost the original fire and animating intelligence (genus) of their Divinity. This they purposed to do from the altar of Shamballa through the Great One who had exiled himself on planet earth for the sole purpose of keeping the flame of Life.

Lemuria and Atlantis

Он был Верхов­ным Жрецом в Храме Божественной Матери на конти­ненте, известном как Лемурия, который погрузился в воды Тихого океана. У него были воплощения и на Ат­лантиде, так же как у всех Чоханов лучей.

В последние дни Лемурии те, кто поддерживал пламя на алтарях храмов, были предупреждены о надвигаю­щемся катаклизме. Они забрали свои пламена, перенес­ли их в безопасные места и поместили в другие физические обители либо удалили их в эфирную октаву. Именно Господь Ланто принес и поместил пламя осаждения в область гор Гранд Тетон в Северной Америке.

Пламя осаждения — зеленое с золотистым оттенком. Это пламя, горя­щее в Обители Ройял Тетон, и является тем качеством сознания, которое делает американцев чрезвычайно практичными, развивающими приклад­ные науки, что приближает нас к достижениям времен My, когда уровень технологии был даже выше того, какой мы имеем сегодня. Именно пламя изобилия делает возможным осаждение богатства, а также счастья, радости и сознания Вселенского Христа.

Duke of Chou

Lord Lanto embodied in ancient China as the Duke of Chou, (d. 1105 B.C.), regarded as one of the greatest statesmen in Chinese history and the true founder of the Confucian tradition. The Duke of Chou, his father, King Wen, and his brother established the Chou dynasty. They were the leaders in overthrowing the corrupt Shang dynasty and its alcoholic and psychopathic ruler.

The architect of the new government, the Duke of Chou, wrote manuals on governmental organization, ritual and propriety. He also composed music. The Duke of Chou once said, “I am only concerned with heaven and the people.”[1]

He and his family introduced the concept of “heaven” to the Chinese people and also established the idea of the “Mandate of Heaven,” or the divine right to rule. Those who were granted the mandate to rule had the responsibility to uphold it with integrity and honor. Thus it was their sacred duty to rule with kindness and justice. And if they did not, they would be overthrown and their high office would be taken from them.

Confucius looked to the Duke as his model and believed it was his mission to reestablish the principles and culture of the early Chou era, which was thought to have been a golden age. In his early life, Confucius often dreamt about the Duke of Chou instructing him in the ancient wisdom. In the Analects he lamented, “Extreme indeed is my decline. It is a long time since I dreamed that I saw the Duke of Chou.”

The most famous book by the Duke of Chou is The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine—the oldest known book on medicine in the world. It deals with anatomy and the causes, diagnoses and treatments of diseases. It describes the transformation of energy from yin to yang and back to yin in five stages through the fire, earth, metal, water and tree. Through this circle every organ in our body has its own characteristics, according to the stage of energy by which it is created and the energy that flows through it. These characteristics are expressed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The principles in this book have become the foundation of the macrobiotic diet.

It is believed that Confucius was embodied at the time of the Duke of Chou and helped him implement his ideals for God-government. When Confucius reembodied in China five hundred years later, he edited the six Chinese classics, including the I Ching, which had been written by King Wen.

Ruler of China

Позже Ланто воплотился правителем Китая во времена Конфуция (551-479 до н. э.). Вместе со своими более известными современниками Конфуцием и Гаутамой Буддой он много-много столетий держал золотое пламя просветления от имени китайского народа. Это пламя закреплено в обители Архангелов Иофиила и Кристины, которая расположена в центральной части Китая.

This flame is the primordial light of the yellow race which when harnessed through the illumined ones gave cultural impetus to China at a time when the rest of the world, having either rejected or missed altogether the Christ flame in the ones sent, was karmically locked in an age of barbarism. The greatness of China is reflective of the consciousness of Lanto, the master who endowed her, and of the masters who endowed him—the Ancient of Days, Lord Himalaya, Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya.

Незадолго до своего вознесения Господь Ланто решил добиться того, чтобы свет пламени его собственного сердца был виден на физическом пла­не, тем самым являя ученикам живое доказательство того, что трехлепест-ковое пламя – как в прошлых, так и в грядущих золотых веках – есть Сло­во, ставшее плотью, и что во власти адепта расширить и усилить его.

Affirming with (or aeons before) the proverbial Job, “Yet in my flesh shall I see God!” Lanto, by the dynamism of his decrees from the heart, his devoutness to the living Word as the Universal Christ ever with him, and his consecration of the chakras to the sacred fire of the Mother did achieve what none other in earth’s recorded history since the Fall had done: Lanto so adored the Trinity in the tripartite light of his innermost being that the intense glow of that divine spark could actually be seen through his flesh form emanating a soft golden glow through his chest. This he maintained in honor of Sanat Kumara until his ascension around 500 B.C.—“a memorial to all generations” who are the issue of the I AM THAT I AM—in order that the original lightbearers might recall the mission to illumine the dark star.

His mission today

Master of the fiery core of excellence at the heart of Wisdom’s Ray, hence devotee par excellence of the Divine Mother’s white fire lilies, Lanto remains the Guru of gurus not only of the Chinese, whom he desires to assist in once again raising up the flame of illumination, but also of all souls who share his love for the golden Sunward path of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas under Sanat Kumara.

Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Lanto has stood faithfully behind the efforts of Saint Germain to liberate mankind through his release of the ascended masters’ teachings on the I AM Presence and the violet fire.

On July 3, 1958, the ascended master Confucius succeeded Lord Lanto as hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat. With attainment far beyond that required either of retreat hierarch or chohan, Lanto accepted from Kuthumi the office of lord of the second ray on that date (this blessed brother who had worshiped the God of Peace as Saint Francis having already in 1956 joined Jesus in the office of World Teacher).

On October 30, 1966, in cooperation with the God and Goddess Meru, Lanto was granted the dispensation by the Karmic Board for a “mighty transcendent golden flame of illumination” to pulsate three hundred feet into the atmosphere over the colleges, universities, divinity and theological schools of America and the world whose students and faculty were and would be receptive to knowledge from higher spheres. Any students of any school of higher learning may call this flame into action on behalf of the faculty and student body.

The ascended master Lanto conducts classes at the Royal Teton Retreat, the initial retreat of the Great White Brotherhood to which the neophyte may ask to be taken. Here we learn the fundamentals of the path of initiation. Because of the dispensation of opening the seven retreats of the seven chohans, many tens of thousands of souls are receiving training at inner levels to accelerate their consciousness for the New Age.

Lord Lanto also tries to give us a sense of our worth instead of the feeling of self-deprecation so common among men today:

Man is a God in the becoming, but he can never know this while he thinks earthly thoughts. He can never know this by worldly knowledge, for the things of this world are foolishness with God.[2] And in the eyes of God, the only real values are those that free man from the eclipse of being that has concealed the sun of God’s Presence from his eyes. And it is this sun that will awaken his spiritual senses that enable him to see with Saint Paul the face of the Master and to hear his cry “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”[3]

Meditation on Lord Lanto and his golden lotus flame may be accompanied by the music of “Song to the Evening Star” from Tannhäuser, by Wagner (keynote of the Royal Teton Retreat). The wisdom of Lanto is excelled by few ascended beings serving this earth. His flame should be invoked daily on behalf of the youth of the world.

See also


Lanto’s Prayer

For more information

For more on Lanto’s teachings, see the chapters on Lord Lanto in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Lanto.”

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Confucius’ Formula for Family and Community Building,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 41, no. 32, August 9, 1998.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 15, 1988.

  1. Confucius, Analects 7:13; James Legge, The Chinese Classics, 2d ed., rev. (reprint of the 1893 edition), 1:199, 68.
  2. I Cor. 3:19.
  3. Acts 9:5; Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul-Awareness, p. 153.