Храм Воскресения

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Храм Воскресения находится в эфирном царстве над городом Иерусалим в Святой Земле. Этой обителью — фокусом пламени воскресения управляют Иисус и Мать Мария.

Храм расположен в белом здании круглой формы с примыкающими к нему двумя крыльями. Круглое здание окружено семью коридорами с различным по степени и по качеству излучением. В центре храма пылает перламутровое с молочным отливом пламя воскресения, прямо перед вознесением приводящее тело в состояние, при котором трехлепестковое пламя уравновешено, а четыре нижних тела находятся в сонастрое.

Восемь колонн окружают центральный алтарь. Картины на стенах круглой комнаты пламени отображают возвышение человеческого сознания благодаря деятельности ключевых индивидуумов, чьи наработки, по мнению Братства этой обители, являются этапами, ведущими к золотому веку. На одной из четырех фресок есть изображение великого патриарха, облаченного в розовую бархатную мантию, читающего людям наставления из книги космического закона.

Angels of the resurrection flame serve in this retreat, ministering unto the flame and unto those souls who are brought to the resurrection chambers in the wings adjoining the central flame room. Here students are taught how to raise their vibrations to balance the threefold flame and to bring their four lower bodies into alignment in preparation for the ascension, the initiation that follows the resurrection.

There are sections of the retreat where those who have passed prematurely from the screen of life are brought to recuperate from the shock. Here they remain in a state of sleep in their etheric bodies until the action of the resurrection flame resuscitates their consciousness, removes the sting of death, and they awaken of their own free will and come forth to participate in the class work that is carried on in the retreat. After they have adjusted to the change and to their opportunities for service and training between embodiments, they are taken to other retreats of the masters for specialized training and to the etheric cities.

Archangel Uriel and Aurora, together with Gabriel and Hope, frequent this retreat to expand the flame of resurrection on behalf of mankind. By a like token, the Goddess of Spring, beloved Amaryllis, uses the Spirit of the Resurrection Flame each year on behalf of the nature kingdom.

Jesus welcomes us to this retreat:

I welcome you together with Mary the Mother and Saint Germain and the many who have gone before you who are serving here with me in the Temple of the Resurrection, the holy city that pulsates with life abundant above the place where our victory was and is forever one.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”[1] Our retreat stands to bear eternal witness to the Truth that we have outpictured in the world of form, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it![2]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Resurrection Temple.”

  1. Matt. 23:37.
  2. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Temple Doors, chapter 7.