Quarterly conferences/ru

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In The Chela and the Path, El Morya explains the purposes of the quarterly conferences held by The Summit Lighthouse:

Когда был основан Саммит Лайтхауз, я установил порядок проведения квартальных конференций, приуроченных к циклам года. Собираясь вместе четыре раза в год, отдавая и получая, чела Вознесенных Владык оказывают ни с чем не сравнимую услугу Великому Белому Братству. Если бы вы могли наблюдать эти квартальные конференции с внутренних планов, вы увидели бы, как чела - своей преданностью и единством - строят силовое поле на физическом плане и как Иерархия снижает сеть, являющуюся мандалой для этого класса, на эфирном плане над физическим местом его проведения.

Мандала подобна снежинке, узор ее уникален, - никогда прежде не виданный, он никогда не появится вновь. Эта геометрическая конструкция, парящая над группой, является фокальной точкой, в которой энергии этой группы соединяются, чтобы притягивать, подобно магниту света, откровения Вознесенных Владык, запланированные Кармическим Правлением для каждой конкретной конференции. Каждая запланированная лекция и диктовка заполняют часть мандалы, а прилежание учеников усиливает действие священного огня, который дается планете.

Наши конференции проводятся в поворотные моменты циклов года - зимнего солнцестояния, весеннего равноденствия, летнего солнцестояния и осеннего равноденствия. Физические перемены происходят до конференции, и свет, излучаемый иерархиями солнца при смене времен года, усиливается затем Вознесенными и невознесенными существами, служащими вместе на конференциях, для исполнения космического замысла на Земле, как на небе.

Whenever possible, you should seize the opportunity to attend such a conference. What’s more, you should make possible the impossible through the alchemy of invocation to your own God Being. Not only are these conferences the most important experience of a lifetime in terms of the expansion of consciousness and the transmutation of untold substance in your world, but your willingness to serve as a coordinate on earth for the hierarchies of light will earn for you a momentum of good karma that you can ill afford to be without.

God needs man and man needs God. This is the law of the hallowed circle of the AUM. And when you find yourself standing in that circle, ever-widening, that is formed for the final release of the Lord of the World to the devotees at the conclusion of a conference, you will know that all that I have told you is indeed true; and by the thread of contact with hierarchy which you have established, your life will never be the same.[1]

The Angel Deva of the Jade Temple has spoken of the importance of our conferences:

In each and every conference we have the roster of all who have ever attended a conference and all who have received the invitation or the announcement of the conference. And we go to the Keeper of the Scrolls, and there is released a scroll stating what opportunities and initiations are available to each disciple on the Way through the dictations and the blessings and the initiations given at that conference.

First and foremost, the initiation of getting to the conference is important. For if the chelas do not arrive, they do not receive the direct contact. And if they were not able to overcome the opposition to their attendance, then that shows that they are not ready to receive the next increment of light. I assure you that without fail, each devotee who attends each conference is given the opportunity for the next step of initiation.

Initiation is not a violent action. It is not abrupt. It is a flow. It is not a sudden staircase. It is a spiral—a spiral you can walk, a spiral that enables you to rise day by day, to ascend daily....

And so we also have with us the scroll for each one of you who is here, each one without exception. And it is written thereon what increment of light you are able to receive from each of the dictations that are given, and in which of your chakras....

Understand, then, that initiation is ongoing. Initiation is the application of the Law. It is participation in the conferences, which are for the turning of the cycles of planetary as well as personal cycles. And therefore see that when you participate in the conference you become a carrier of the light that is for the initiation of the evolutions and the lifewaves of Terra. Understand, then, that it is important to be at the right place at the right time for the right dispensations to occur.[2]

Mighty Victory has also spoken of the importance of attending the quarterly conferences:

There is a polarity twixt the soul (sealed in the inner retreat of the heart with Christ) with the I AM Presence. It is this polarity that we have desired to establish by having you present at this Inner Retreat![3]

And therefore, we have urged you to be with us. And we urge you again and again not to miss these quarterly conferences, not any hour or any day—whether you think it is important or no, or whether you think you have other business or other things to tend to. For we cannot build a consecutive spiral within you when you pick and choose and come and go and do not tarry in that flame.

For the hierarchy of light is real! And these conferences have been dedicated to seal you in the victory of your causal body!”[4]

See also

Winter solstice


  1. El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age, chapter 10.
  2. Angel Deva of the Jade Temple, December 29, 1975, “The Science of Healing Love,” published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 16, April 22, 2020.
  3. Refers to the 1981 Freedom Class, An Inner Retreat, held at Camelot July 1–5, 1981.
  4. Mighty Victory, “The Sign of the Golden V,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 37, September 13, 1981.