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Todellinen adepti on Suuren Valkoisen Veljeskunnan korkean tason vihitty, jolla on saavutusta erityisesti aineen, fyysisten voimien, luonnonhenkien ja ruumiintoimintojen hallitsemisessa. Hän on läpikotaisin alkemisti, ja hän käy läpi edistyneitä pyhän tulen vihkimyksiä ylösnousemuksen tiellä.

Äiti Maria selittää:

Ryhtykää siis opiskelemaan yksinkertaisesti ja nöyrästi Poikani opetuksia, Buddhan opetuksia ja itäisten mestareiden opetuksia. Astukaa, rakkaani, tuolle tielle ja liittykää idän ja lännen adeptien joukkoon. Teillä kaikilla on mahdollisuus adeptiuteen. Teidän on vain päätettävä, että se on tavoitteenne.

To be an adept means to have a certain mastery for the holding of Light, for the crystallization of the God-flame within you and for the entering in to the Mind of God. It means, beloved, that you are moved neither to the right nor to the left, neither up nor down by circumstances, by whatever negative is hurled at you. Adeptship is to be unmoved, to be in the center of the T’ai Chi, to know oneself supremely as God but never as a human god—for God has displaced the human. This is your goal of union....

I therefore now place upon you the full Electronic Presence of my Son at the age of thirty-three. Beloved ones, know that masterful Presence. Desire to become it. Fear not the initiations but know that through your heart of Christ and through your life and mission many shall be saved, should you decide to become that masterful Presence.

Precious hearts, I recommend that you do. For you labor in love, in such worthiness, in such sacrifice, in such long-suffering. You labor in all these things. Your labor has its reward, but you must claim the reward. And that reward is adeptship.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation

  1. Mother Mary, “The Ineffable Love of Our Oneness,” December 24, 1993, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 70, December 29, 1993.