Ángel de la Revelación de Juan el Divino

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"San Juan Evangelista en Patmos", Jacopo Vignali (siglo XVII)

Jesús dictó el libro del Apocalipsis a Juan el Amado a través de su Ángel de la Revelación. Este ángel ha hablado con profundidad sobre el Cristo y el verdadero significado de la Iglesia así, y de la necesidad de cesar la división dentro de la Iglesia. Él nos dice:

Hablo al cuerpo de Dios fragmentado sobre la Tierra. Hablo a aquellos que se van de las iglesias y hablo a las almas que están dentro de las iglesias. Llamo a todos aquellos que han adorado a Dios en el islamismo, como hindúes, como budistas, como seguidores del Tao, como intérpretes de la Palabra del SSEÑOR de Israel. Hablo al judío y al gentil, a los que son verdaderos seguidores de Dios y a los que se han salido del camino.

Libero el Espíritu del Cristo vivo y digo: cada camino por el que encontrar a Dios es un rayo que conduce al centro del templo y de todo el verdadero construir que es Cristo, Cristo como habéis conocido al eterno Logos en Jesús y Cristo como habéis de conocerlo en esta era, en vuestro corazón y como la llama que arde sobre el altar del corazón.

Vengo con un aviso y vengo con una aceleración. Que el aviso sea, pues, para las almas que son de Dios, que hay caídos que se han infiltrado entre vuestras filas, que se han movido entre vosotros. Son ellos los falsos Cristos y falsos profetas, y han separado el amor de los santos inocentes y el credo de nuestro Señor con su murmurar, con su falsa doctrina, con su separación del amor de los miembros del cuerpo de Dios.

My warning, then, is this: that there shall come the crumbling of the Church of Rome and the crumbling of the churches of Christendom unless the spirit of division is routed from the church in the name of Jesus the Christ. And let the demons and the fallen ones tremble, for the Lord is nigh. And he will not allow the money changers to remain in the temple, those who barter for men’s souls, those who compromise the faith of our Lord with compromise to suit the ethics of the day....

Be true to the Christ who lives within, and you will find yourself one in the true Church that is a flame within your heart. It is not necessary for you to find salvation through outer commitment and outer organizations. But it is necessary for you to confirm the living Word where you are and to band together in the churches, to go back into the churches and to bring unto them the Holy Spirit and the message of the Angel of the Revelation, who I AM as a fellow servant with you of the Most High God.

I am come to give you the impetus of light and fire of the Christ to go back into the churches of your origin or to be a part of this band of devotees who have formed an outer focus of the Church Universal and Triumphant. Wherever you go to pray, to worship and to find oneness in the communion of souls, bring there the Spirit of the living God. Bring there the spirit of Truth.

And remember that this Truth is where you are and where I AM. And in that I AM THAT I AM, we are one and there is no separation in planes of consciousness, for the Spirit of God moves those who are in embodiment and who are in celestial spheres as one body in the service of Christ.

I am come for the contact. I am come that you might realize that the hosts of the armies of heaven are very real and very near and that the numbers of angels and angelic hosts, of archangels and seraphim and cherubim, and of the saints ascended far outnumber the forces of the fallen ones as well as the numbers who are yet embodied in terrestrial bodies on earth.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Angel of the Revelation of John the Divine.”

  1. Angel of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine, “The Message of Alpha and Omega to the Seven Churches,” October 10, 1976.