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Hawaii is the most yin point of the United States. Since is it the point of the greatest flow of the Mother, is is also the point of the greatest perversion of the Mother.

The islands of Hawaii were the tips of a mountain range on Lemuria, the heart chakra of the continent, the heartbeat of millions of people who evolved there. The heart of Lemuria could not be covered when the continent went down.

In 1976, Sanat Kumara delivered a dictation in Maui for the rising again of the Mother Flame of Lemuria:

This is an era when light is oncoming. It is the era when the flame of Mu must rise, compelled by the call to light of cosmic law. This is an era for the raising of the conscious-ness of the Mother flame in the seven rays.

We come, then, for one purpose. That purpose is to anchor certain fohatic keys in the form of electrodes for the spiraling, rising energies of the seven rays in seven aspects of the Mother flame. The raising of these energies is from the point where they descended on Terra. The point of the descent of Lemuria and of the Mother light must also be the point of the rising of that Mother light.

We see, then, in these seven islands seven aspects of God, seven bodies of man and the mastery of seven chakras. We see in the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu and Kauai the development of the four lower bodies of mankind. And we see that the physical body in Hawaii is still expanding—still expanding to become the vehicle for the expression in Mater of Mother.

Here in Maui, there is the expression of the feeling of God as the feeling of Mother. It is the emotional body that is governed by the Mother flame; it is the place where souls will come to realize Mother, even as they come to master the astral bodies and the emotional energies. And because Mother is the flow of water, the desire in the water body will be mastered by souls of light here whom we will select to carry the flame of Mother.

The island of Oahu illustrates the mental activity of mankind and the acceleration of commerce and of many souls, for in America there is much mental activity—some the agitation of the lesser mind and some the activation of the Higher Mind. For good or for ill, the mental body must be mastered, and with these energies the light of Christ, the Only Begotten of your own Causal Body, will come forth.

Because mankind have failed the tests so many times of the Christ consciousness, we find that where there are focuses of the mental body, teeming thousands and millions are found in the large cities, and their mental activities are often a disturbance to those who prefer to meditate on the Mother and in the Holy Spirit.

Nevertheless, it is in the battlefield of the mind that Light and Darkness must be resolved. And the Light swallows up the Darkness and it is not, and the Light is the Light that lighteth every man and woman that cometh into the world.[1]

You know that civilizations have been lost because of the compromise of the mind and the conceptualization of the God flame. For the raising of the Mother, then, there must be the restoration of the Christ Child, for it is the children of the Mother, the children of Mu, who will reclaim the Cosmic Virgin on Terra. And unless they be endued with the power from on high of the Christ and the Holy Spirit, they will not be the possessors of that light, which is the light of the defense of the Mother flame.

Kauai, then, is the focalization of the etheric fire-body nature of the Holy Spirit—remote, removed from the mainstream of outer awareness yet very powerful as fohatic energy.

The interchange of the energies of the islands is for the mastery of the flame of Mother. The very ones who were a part of ancient Mu in the hours of her descent have been drawn to these islands for the balancing of karma, for the championing of the light, for making right that which has been the wrong of the ages.

The other three islands, Molokai, Lanai and Niihau, less important in the chain, show the recession of spiritual awareness, the lesser awareness of Causal Body, I AM Presence and Christ Self, yet very present and very much a part of the energies that we are to release this day according to the cosmic timetable.[2]


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, lecture to Summit University, June 17, 1976.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Hawaii’s Contribution to the Culture of the Aquarian Age.”

  1. John 1:9.
  2. Sanat Kumara, “Raising the Consciousness of the Mother Flame,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 2, no. 24, June 13, 1999.