Auld Lang Syne

From TSL Encyclopedia

The masters have told us that the melody of the song Auld Lang Syne, which has come to be sung on New Year’s Eve every year, was sung by the priests of Lemuria as their continent sank. So the singing of this song is an ancient tradition.

The song is a commitment to the victory and the realization that there have always been those who have kept the flame in time of cataclysm. The “auld” acquaintances in the first line are the ones who have kept the earth together by being the links between the ages. So we sing this song in the profound sense of our oneness with all those who have kept the flame. We sing it for the rising again of Lemuria, the rising again of the light of the Divine Mother.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, August 30, 1994.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1990.