Goddess of Purity's retreat over Madagascar

The retreat of the Goddess of Purity is on the island of Madagascar, which has survived numerous cataclysms and has been above water hundreds of thousands of years.
There is a physical focus that is entered through the side of a mountain and an etheric retreat above it. The latter is designed with a central dome, onion-shaped, and four smaller domes projected from the corners of the square building.
The flame of purity is ministered by the angels of purity under the direction of the Goddess of Purity, who is the hierarch of the retreat. The physical part of the retreat is maintained as a school where students may travel in their finer bodies, but the etheric retreat is frequented only by masters or advanced initiates of the fourth ray.
Functions of the retreat
The maintenance of this focus of purity is essential to the balance of currents on the planet. Angels of purity carry light rays from the flame to the four corners of the earth, to mankind and to elemental life who drink in the radiance of purity with the hope that they, too, might one day inherit immortal life.
Sisters of purity tend the physical focus and the flame, which is a counterpart of the great flame in the etheric temple. The flame is a transparent white, so pure is its essence. The sisters of purity in the physical focus have maintained life in the physical form for over a hundred years. They are unascended adepts of the flame of purity.
The flame of purity
The Goddess of Purity speaks of the flame of purity in her retreat:
Purity, beloved ones, begins with a single crystal—the crystal of your own consciousness. And from the point of the flame within the center of the crystal begins the expansion of the consciousness of purity. The pure in heart see God through the crystal of their own consciousness, which they have made God’s consciousness. When you have mastered the many facets of the single crystal, then other crystals are added unto you with many more facets; and each crystal denotes another step of initiation to the brothers and sisters of my retreat here in Madagascar.
In our beautiful island in the sea, we have consecrated the crystal diadem of purity, which is the consciousness of God; and as the flame passes through the crystal—the mingling of the mist and the crystal, the unformed and the formed—there is the release of the Cosmic Christ consciousness to the earth.[1]
Here in our temple,... the focus of God-purity is a testimony of the grand design of the universe on behalf of every lifestream evolving upon this planetary home. And do you know, precious hearts of light, that in our focus is a replica of the diamond of identity of each soul destined to evolve upon this planet? This is the service of the brothers and sisters of our retreat, to nourish the divine design.[2]
The three retreats
The retreats of the Goddess of Light (in the Andes, the Shrine of Glory), the Queen of Light (above Sicily) and the Goddess of Purity focus an action of the Trinity to the earth, and together these hierarchs draw the action of the cosmic threefold flame on behalf of her evolutions.
See also
Goddess of Purity's retreat over San Francisco
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over the Island of Madagascar.”