
the Spoken Word
Pranayama [Sanskrit, literally ‘control of prana’] is the control of the vital energy through the practice of breathing exercises.
The art of proper breathing has always been considered essential for the full effect of mantra-yoga to be realized. A balanced inbreath and outbreath creates a harmony of the currents of prana that course through our finer bodies affecting all of the chakras. The Master Djwal Kul, in his Studies of the Human Aura, has brought forth a breathing exercise that can be practiced without danger for the balance of the inner flow of the sacred fire breath—the flow through the four lower bodies emitting from and returning to the center of the chakras.
Keepers of the Flame are protected under the sponsorship of Saint Germain when they practice these exercises for the purification, protection and strengthening of the chakras.
See also
Djwal Kul's breathing exercise
For more information
See Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras. This book includes Kuthumi’s Studies of the Human Aura and Djwal Kul’s Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura. See especially book 2, chapter 8, “The Sacred Fire Breath.”
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 51, November 11, 1992.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, September 14, 1980.